Henry Burridge
Henry Burridge
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The wood from the trees: The use of timber in construction
MH Ramage, H Burridge, M Busse-Wicher, G Fereday, T Reynolds, ...
Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 68, 333-359, 2017
Fountains in industry and nature
GR Hunt, HC Burridge
Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 47 (1), 195-220, 2015
The ventilation of buildings and other mitigating measures for COVID-19: a focus on wintertime
HC Burridge, RK Bhagat, MEJ Stettler, P Kumar, I De Mel, P Demis, A Hart, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 477 (2247), 20200855, 2021
Questioning the Mpemba effect: hot water does not cool more quickly than cold
HC Burridge, PF Linden
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 37665, 2016
The rise heights of low-and high-Froude-number turbulent axisymmetric fountains
HC Burridge, GR Hunt
Journal of fluid mechanics 691, 392-416, 2012
Seasonal variation in airborne infection risk in schools due to changes in ventilation inferred from monitored carbon dioxide
CVM Vouriot, HC Burridge, CJ Noakes, PF Linden
Indoor air 31 (4), 1154-1163, 2021
Predictive and retrospective modelling of airborne infection risk using monitored carbon dioxide
HC Burridge, S Fan, RL Jones, CJ Noakes, PF Linden
Indoor and Built Environment 31 (5), 1363-1380, 2022
The rhythm of fountains: the length and time scales of rise height fluctuations at low and high Froude numbers
HC Burridge, GR Hunt
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 728, 91-119, 2013
& Scherman, O.(2017). The wood from the trees: The use of timber in construction
MH Ramage, H Burridge, M Busse-Wicher, G Fereday, T Reynolds, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 68, 333-359, 0
A comparison of entrainment in turbulent line plumes adjacent to and distant from a vertical wall
DA Parker, HC Burridge, JL Partridge, PF Linden
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 882, A4, 2020
Variations in classroom ventilation during the COVID-19 pandemic: Insights from monitoring 36 naturally ventilated classrooms in the UK during 2021
HC Burridge, S Bontitsopoulos, C Brown, H Carter, K Roberts, C Vouriot, ...
Journal of Building Engineering 63, 105459, 2023
Predicting the pore-filling ratio in lumen-impregnated wood
G Wu, DU Shah, ER Janeček, HC Burridge, TPS Reynolds, PH Fleming, ...
Wood Science and Technology 51, 1277-1290, 2017
Entrainment by turbulent fountains
HC Burridge, GR Hunt
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 790, 407-418, 2016
Conditional sampling of a high Péclet number turbulent plume and the implications for entrainment
HC Burridge, DA Parker, ES Kruger, JL Partridge, PF Linden
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 823, 26-56, 2017
The effect of source Reynolds number on the rise height of a fountain
HC Burridge, A Mistry, GR Hunt
Physics of Fluids 27 (4), 2015
Observing the Mpemba effect with minimal bias and the value of the Mpemba effect to scientific outreach and engagement
HC Burridge, O Hallstadius
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 476 (2241), 20190829, 2020
The fluxes and behaviour of plumes inferred from measurements of coherent structures within images of the bulk flow
HC Burridge, JL Partridge, PF Linden
Atmosphere-Ocean 54 (4), 403-417, 2016
Schools’ air quality monitoring for health and education: Methods and protocols of the SAMHE initiative and project
L Chatzidiakou, R Archer, V Beale, S Bland, H Carter, C Castro-Faccetti, ...
Developments in the Built Environment 16, 100266, 2023
Vertically distributed wall sources of buoyancy. Part 1. Unconfined
DA Parker, HC Burridge, JL Partridge, PF Linden
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 907, A15, 2021
Cell geometry across the ring structure of Sitka spruce
TPS Reynolds, HC Burridge, R Johnston, G Wu, DU Shah, OA Scherman, ...
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 15 (142), 20180144, 2018
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مقالات 1–20