Paolo Saracco
Paolo Saracco
Researcher I.N.F.N., Genoa, Italy
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
PIXE simulation with Geant4
MG Pia, G Weidenspointner, M Augelli, L Quintieri, P Saracco, ...
IEEE transactions on nuclear science 56 (6), 3614-3649, 2009
Photon elastic scattering simulation: validation and improvements to Geant4
M Batic, G Hoff, MG Pia, P Saracco
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 59 (4), 1636-1664, 2012
Evaluation of a class of diagrams useful in many-body calculations
R Cenni, P Saracco
Nuclear Physics A 487 (2), 279-300, 1988
Validation of Geant4 simulation of electron energy deposition
M Batič, G Hoff, MG Pia, P Saracco, G Weidenspointner
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 60 (4), 2934-2957, 2013
Validation of and Shell Radiative Transition Probability Calculations
MG Pia, P Saracco, M Sudhakar
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 56 (6), 3650-3661, 2009
Validation test of Geant4 simulation of electron backscattering
SH Kim, MG Pia, T Basaglia, MC Han, G Hoff, CH Kim, P Saracco
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 62 (2), 451-479, 2015
Evaluation of atomic electron binding energies for Monte Carlo particle transport
MG Pia, H Seo, M Batic, M Begalli, CH Kim, L Quintieri, P Saracco
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 58 (6), 3246-3268, 2011
Functional treatment of the meson exchange currents
WM Alberico, R Cenni, A Molinari, P Saracco
Annals of Physics 174 (1), 131-168, 1987
Physics-related epistemic uncertainties in proton depth dose simulation
MG Pia, M Begalli, A Lechner, L Quintieri, P Saracco
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 57 (5), 2805-2830, 2010
The longitudinal and transverse responses in the inclusive electron scattering A functional approach
R Cenni, F Conte, P Saracco
Nuclear Physics A 623 (3-4), 391-430, 1997
Ionization cross sections for low energy electron transport
H Seo, MG Pia, P Saracco, CH Kim
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 58 (6), 3219-3245, 2011
Validation of cross sections for Monte Carlo simulation of the photoelectric effect
MC Han, HS Kim, MG Pia, T Basaglia, M Batič, G Hoff, CH Kim, P Saracco
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 63 (2), 1117-1146, 2016
Hadron and quark form factors in the relativistic harmonic-oscillator model
VV Burov, A De Pace, SM Dorkin, P Saracco
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 24 (6), 443, 1993
On the spectrum of the multigroup diffusion equations
P Saracco, S Dulla, P Ravetto
Progress in Nuclear Energy 59, 86-95, 2012
Quantitative test of the evolution of geant4 electron backscattering simulation
T Basaglia, MC Han, G Hoff, CH Kim, SH Kim, MG Pia, P Saracco
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 63 (6), 2849-2865, 2016
Dynamical pion propagation in the functional approach to the charge response
WM Alberico, R Cenni, A Molinari, P Saracco
Physical review letters 65 (15), 1845, 1990
Renormalizability of effective pionic Lagrangians in the nuclear medium
WM Alberico, R Cenni, A Molinari, P Saracco
Physical Review C 38 (5), 2389, 1988
Validation of Compton scattering Monte Carlo simulation models
G Weidenspointner, M Batic, S Hauf, G Hoff, M Kuster, MG Pia, P Saracco
2013 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (2013 NSS …, 2013
Measurement of the nucleon structure function F2 in the nuclear medium and evaluation of its moments
M Osipenko, G Ricco, S Simula, M Ripani, M Taiuti, KP Adhikari, ...
Nuclear Physics A 845 (1-4), 1-32, 2010
Validation of proton ionization cross section generators for Monte Carlo particle transport
M Batic, MG Pia, P Saracco
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 58 (6), 3269-3280, 2011
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مقالات 1–20