Jeffry Netter
Jeffry Netter
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على uga.edu
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
From state to market: A survey of empirical studies on privatization
J Netter, W Megginson
Journal of economic literature 39 (2), 2001
Endogeneity and the dynamics of internal corporate governance
MB Wintoki, JS Linck, JM Netter
Journal of Financial Economics, 2012
What do returns to acquiring firms tell us? Evidence from firms that make many acquisitions
K Fuller, J Netter, M Stegemoller
The Journal of Finance 57 (4), 1763-1793, 2002
The determinants of board structure
JS Linck, JM Netter, T Yang
Journal of financial economics 87 (2), 308-328, 2008
The market for corporate control: The empirical evidence since 1980
GA Jarrell, JA Brickley, JM Netter
Journal of Economic perspectives 2 (1), 49-68, 1988
Effects and unintended consequences of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act on corporate boards
J Linck, J Netter, T Yang
Unpublished working paper. University of Georgia, Athens, GA, 2005
The voluntary restructuring of large firms in response to performance decline
K John, LHP Lang, J Netter
The Journal of Finance 47 (3), 891-917, 2012
Share issue privatizations as financial means to political and economic ends
SL Jones, WL Megginson, RC Nash, JM Netter
Journal of financial Economics 53 (2), 217-253, 1999
Implications of data screens on merger and acquisition analysis: A large sample study of mergers and acquisitions from 1992-2009
J Netter, M Stegemoller, M Wintoki
Available at SSRN 1510724, 2010
The choice of private versus public capital markets: Evidence from privatizations
WL Megginson, RC Nash, JM Netter, AB Poulsen
The Journal of Finance 59 (6), 2835-2870, 2005
Determinants of contractual relations between shareholders and bondholders: investment opportunities and restrictive covenants
RC Nash, JM Netter, AB Poulsen
Journal of Corporate Finance 9 (2), 201-232, 2003
Shark repellents and managerial myopia: An empirical test
LK Meulbroek, ML Mitchell, JH Mulherin, JM Netter, AB Poulsen
Journal of Political Economy, 1108-1117, 1990
Role of Financial Economics in Securities Fraud Cases: Applications at the Securities and Exchange Commission, The
ML Mitchell, JM Netter
Bus. Law. 49, 545, 1993
Consolidating corporate control: Dual-class recapitalizations versus leveraged buyouts
K Lehn, J Netter, A Poulsen
Journal of Financial Economics 27 (2), 557-580, 1990
Prices are property: the organization of financial exchanges from a transaction cost perspective
JH Mulherin, JM Netter, JA Overdahl
Journal of Law and Economics, 591-644, 1991
Can managers use discretionary accruals to ease financial constraints? Evidence from discretionary accruals prior to investment
JS Linck, J Netter, T Shu
The Accounting Review 88 (6), 2117-2143, 2013
Merging markets
T Arnold, P Hersch, JH Mulherin, J Netter
The Journal of Finance 54 (3), 1083-1107, 2002
Stock-repurchase announcements and insider transactions after the October 1987 stock market crash
JM Netter, ML Mitchell
Financial Management, 84-96, 1989
The long-run return to investors in share issue privatization
WL Megginson, RC Nash, JM Netter, AL Schwartz
Financial management, 67-77, 2000
Triggering the 1987 stock market crash: Antitakeover provisions in the proposed house ways and means tax bill?
ML Mitchell, JM Netter
Journal of Financial Economics 24 (1), 37-68, 1989
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مقالات 1–20