Krupali D. Donda
Krupali D. Donda
Institute Jean Lamour, CNRS, France
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على univ-lorraine.fr - الصفحة الرئيسية
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Extreme low-frequency ultrathin acoustic absorbing metasurface
K Donda, Y Zhu, SW Fan, L Cao, Y Li, B Assouar
Applied Physics Letters 115 (17), 2019
Reconfigurable curved metasurface for acoustic cloaking and illusion
SW Fan, SD Zhao, L Cao, Y Zhu, AL Chen, YF Wang, K Donda, YS Wang, ...
Physical Review B 101 (2), 024104, 2020
Pillared elastic metasurface with constructive interference for flexural wave manipulation
L Cao, Z Yang, Y Xu, Z Chen, Y Zhu, SW Fan, K Donda, B Vincent, ...
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 146, 107035, 2021
Ultrathin acoustic absorbing metasurface based on deep learning approach
K Donda, Y Zhu, A Merkel, SW Fan, L Cao, S Wan, B Assouar
Smart Materials and Structures 30 (8), 085003, 2021
Nonlocal acoustic metasurface for ultrabroadband sound absorption
Y Zhu, A Merkel, K Donda, S Fan, L Cao, B Assouar
Physical Review B 103 (6), 064102, 2021
Broadband ultra-thin acoustic metasurface absorber with coiled structure
Y Zhu, K Donda, S Fan, L Cao, B Assouar
Applied Physics Express 12 (11), 114002, 2019
Reconfigurable origami-inspired metamaterials for controllable sound manipulation
Y Zhu, F Fei, S Fan, L Cao, K Donda, B Assouar
Physical Review Applied 12 (3), 034029, 2019
Deep learning approach for designing acoustic absorbing metasurfaces with high degrees of freedom
K Donda, Y Zhu, A Merkel, S Wan, B Assouar
Extreme Mechanics Letters 56, 101879, 2022
Acoustic meta-equalizer
Y Zhu, SW Fan, L Cao, K Donda, B Assouar
Physical Review Applied 14 (1), 014038, 2020
Rapid design of wide-area heterogeneous electromagnetic metasurfaces beyond the unit-cell approximation
KD Donda, RS Hegde
arXiv preprint arXiv:1709.05919, 2017
Optimal design of beam-deflectors using extended unit-cell metagratings
KD Donda, R Hegde
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M 77, 83-92, 2019
Bilayered nanoantenna design improves the performance of silicon metasurfaces in the visible-wavelength region
KD Donda, RS Hegde
Journal of Nanophotonics 11 (4), 046002-046002, 2017
Evolutionary algorithms for designing metalenses
KD Donda, RS Hegde
2018 3rd International Conference on Microwave and Photonics (ICMAP), 1-2, 2018
Broadband ultra-thin acoustic metasurface absorber
Y Zhu, K Donda, S Fan, L Cao, B Assouar
arXiv preprint arXiv, 1906
Machine learning for inverse design of acoustic and elastic metamaterials
K Donda, P Brahmkhatri, Y Zhu, B Dey, V Slesarenko
Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 35, 101218, 2025
Low-frequency Absorbing Acoustic Metasurfaces: Deep-learning Approach and Experimental Demonstration
K Donda
Université de Lorraine, 2021
Vision Transformer for Accelerated Design of Very Low-frequency Metasurface Absorber
D Sanghvi, P Thakkar, N Bhuva, H Vekariya, B Dey, K Donda
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مقالات 1–17