Francesco Comiti
Francesco Comiti
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Geomorphometric assessment of spatial sediment connectivity in small Alpine catchments
M Cavalli, S Trevisani, F Comiti, L Marchi
Geomorphology 188, 31-41, 2013
A method for the assessment and analysis of the hydromorphological condition of Italian streams: The Morphological Quality Index (MQI)
M Rinaldi, N Surian, F Comiti, M Bussettini
Geomorphology 180, 96-108, 2013
A multi-scale hierarchical framework for developing understanding of river behaviour to support river management
AM Gurnell, M Rinaldi, B Belletti, S Bizzi, B Blamauer, G Braca, AD Buijse, ...
Aquatic sciences 78, 1-16, 2016
Channel adjustments and vegetation cover dynamics in a large gravel bed river over the last 200 years
F Comiti, M Da Canal, N Surian, L Mao, L Picco, MA Lenzi
Geomorphology 125 (1), 147-159, 2011
Effective discharge for sediment transport in a mountain river: Computational approaches and geomorphic effectiveness
MA Lenzi, L Mao, F Comiti
Journal of Hydrology 326 (1-4), 257-276, 2006
The natural wood regime in rivers
E Wohl, N Kramer, V Ruiz-Villanueva, DN Scott, F Comiti, AM Gurnell, ...
BioScience 69 (4), 259-273, 2019
Channel adjustments and alteration of sediment fluxes in gravel‐bed rivers of North‐Eastern Italy: potentials and limitations for channel recovery
N Surian, L Ziliani, F Comiti, MA Lenzi, L Mao
River research and applications 25 (5), 551-567, 2009
Large wood recruitment and transport during large floods: A review
F Comiti, A Lucía, D Rickenmann
Geomorphology 269, 23-39, 2016
Field-derived relationships for flow velocity and resistance in high-gradient streams
F Comiti, L Mao, A Wilcox, EE Wohl, MA Lenzi
Journal of hydrology 340 (1-2), 48-62, 2007
Characterising physical habitats and fluvial hydromorphology: A new system for the survey and classification of river geomorphic units
B Belletti, M Rinaldi, M Bussettini, F Comiti, AM Gurnell, L Mao, L Nardi, ...
Geomorphology 283, 143-157, 2017
Flow regimes, bed morphology, and flow resistance in self‐formed step‐pool channels
F Comiti, D Cadol, E Wohl
Water Resources Research 45 (4), 2009
Spatial density and characteristics of woody debris in five mountain rivers of the Dolomites (Italian Alps)
F Comiti, A Andreoli, MA Lenzi, L Mao
Geomorphology 78 (1-2), 44-63, 2006
How natural are Alpine mountain rivers? Evidence from the Italian Alps
F Comiti
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 37 (7), 693-707, 2012
Quantifying the temporal dynamics of wood in large rivers: field trials of wood surveying, dating, tracking, and monitoring techniques
BJ MacVicar, H Piégay, A Henderson, F Comiti, C Oberlin, E Pecorari
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 34 (15), 2031-2046, 2009
Magnitude‐frequency analysis of bed load data in an Alpine boulder bed stream
MA Lenzi, L Mao, F Comiti
Water Resources Research 40 (7), 2004
Tracer-based analysis of spatial and temporal variations of water sources in a glacierized catchment
D Penna, M Engel, L Mao, A Dell'Agnese, G Bertoldi, F Comiti
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18 (12), 5271-5288, 2014
When does bedload transport begin in steep boulder‐bed streams?
M Aristide Lenzi, L Mao, F Comiti
Hydrological Processes: An International Journal 20 (16), 3517-3533, 2006
Interannual variation of suspended sediment load and sediment yield in an alpine catchment
MA Lenzi, L Mao, F Comiti
Hydrological Sciences Journal 48 (6), 899-915, 2003
Characteristics, distribution and geomorphic role of large woody debris in a mountain stream of the Chilean Andes
A Andreoli, F Comiti, MA Lenzi
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The Journal of the British …, 2007
Wood storage in three mountain streams of the Southern Andes and its hydro‐morphological effects
F Comiti, A Andreoli, L Mao, MA Lenzi
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The Journal of the British …, 2008
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مقالات 1–20