Job Fransen
Job Fransen
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Differences in physical fitness and gross motor coordination in boys aged 6–12 years specializing in one versus sampling more than one sport
J Fransen, J Pion, J Vandendriessche, B Vandorpe, R Vaeyens, M Lenoir, ...
Journal of sports sciences 30 (4), 379-386, 2012
Characteristics of high-level youth soccer players: variation by playing position
D Deprez, J Fransen, J Boone, M Lenoir, R Philippaerts, R Vaeyens
Journal of sports sciences 33 (3), 243-254, 2015
A retrospective study on anthropometrical, physical fitness, and motor coordination characteristics that influence dropout, contract status, and first-team playing time in high …
DN Deprez, J Fransen, M Lenoir, RM Philippaerts, R Vaeyens
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 29 (6), 1692-1704, 2015
Generic anthropometric and performance characteristics among elite adolescent boys in nine different sports
J Pion, V Segers, J Fransen, G Debuyck, D Deprez, L Haerens, ...
European journal of sport science 15 (5), 357-366, 2015
Relative Age, Biological Maturation and Anaerobic Characteristics in Elite Youth Soccer Players.
RP D Deprez, A J Coutts, J Fransen, F Deconinck, M
International Journal of Sports Medicine, 2013
Motor competence assessment in children: Convergent and discriminant validity between the BOT-2 Short Form and KTK testing batteries
J Fransen, E D’Hondt, J Bourgois, R Vaeyens, RM Philippaerts, M Lenoir
Research in developmental disabilities 35 (6), 1375-1383, 2014
Stature and jumping height are required in female volleyball, but motor coordination is a key factor for future elite success
JA Pion, J Fransen, DN Deprez, VI Segers, R Vaeyens, RM Philippaerts, ...
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 29 (6), 1480-1485, 2015
Changes in physical fitness and sports participation among children with different levels of motor competence: a 2-year longitudinal study
J Fransen, D Deprez, J Pion, IB Tallir, E D’Hondt, R Vaeyens, M Lenoir, ...
Pediatric exercise science 26 (1), 11-21, 2014
Esports: The Chess of the 21st Century
M Pluss, K Bennett, A Novak, D Panchuk, A , Coutts, J Fransen
Frontiers in Psychology 10, 156, 2019
Creating a framework for talent identification and development in emerging football nations
KJM Bennett, R Vaeyens, J Fransen
Science and Medicine in Football 3 (1), 36-42, 2019
A longitudinal study of multidimensional performance characteristics related to physical capacities in youth handball
SPJ Matthys, R Vaeyens, J Fransen, D Deprez, J Pion, ...
Journal of sports sciences 31 (3), 325-334, 2013
Association between sports participation, motor competence and weight status: A longitudinal study
RS Henrique, AHN Ré, DF Stodden, J Fransen, CMC Campos, ...
Journal of science and medicine in sport 19 (10), 825-829, 2016
Reliability and validity of the Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test level 1 in young soccer players
D Deprez, AJ Coutts, M Lenoir, J Fransen, J Pion, R Philippaerts, ...
Journal of Sports Sciences 32 (10), 903-910, 2014
Improving the prediction of maturity from anthropometric variables using a maturity ratio
J Fransen, S Bush, S Woodcock, A Novak, D Deprez, ADG Baxter-Jones, ...
Pediatric exercise science 30 (2), 296-307, 2018
Differences in biological maturation, anthropometry and physical performance between playing positions in youth team handball.
PR Matthys SP, Fransen J, Vaeyens R, Lenoir M
Journal of Sports Sciences, 2013
The value of non-sport-specific characteristics for talent orientation in young male judo, karate and taekwondo athletes
J Pion, J Fransen, M Lenoir, V Segers
Archives of Budo, 2014
Modelling age-related changes in motor competence and physical fitness in high-level youth soccer players: implications for talent identification and development
J Fransen, KJM Bennett, CT Woods, N French-Collier, D Deprez, ...
Science and Medicine in Football 1 (3), 203-208, 2017
Impact of mental fatigue on speed and accuracy components of soccer-specific skills
MR Smith, J Fransen, D Deprez, M Lenoir, AJ Coutts
Science and medicine in football 1 (1), 48-52, 2017
The use of small-sided games to assess skill proficiency in youth soccer players: A talent identification tool
KJM Bennett, AR Novak, MA Pluss, CJ Stevens, AJ Coutts, J Fransen
Science and Medicine in Football 2 (3), 231-236, 2018
The Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test level 1 is reliable in young high-level soccer players
D Deprez, J Fransen, M Lenoir, RM Philippaerts, R Vaeyens
Biology of sport 32 (1), 65-70, 2015
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مقالات 1–20