Elena Pizzo
Elena Pizzo
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Impact and experiences of delayed discharge: A mixed‐studies systematic review
A Rojas‐García, S Turner, E Pizzo, E Hudson, J Thomas, R Raine
Health Expectations 21 (1), 41-56, 2018
Cost-utility analysis of mechanical thrombectomy using stent retrievers in acute ischemic stroke
J Ganesalingam, E Pizzo, S Morris, T Sunderland, D Ames, K Lobotesis
Stroke 46 (9), 2591-2598, 2015
One size fits all? Mixed methods evaluation of the impact of 100% single-room accommodation on staff and patient experience, safety and costs
J Maben, P Griffiths, C Penfold, M Simon, JE Anderson, G Robert, E Pizzo, ...
BMJ quality & safety 25 (4), 241-256, 2016
Cost-comparison analysis of FIB-4, ELF and fibroscan in community pathways for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
A Srivastava, S Jong, A Gola, R Gailer, S Morgan, K Sennett, S Tanwar, ...
BMC gastroenterology 19, 1-15, 2019
Patient and public involvement: how much do we spend and what are the benefits?
E Pizzo, C Doyle, R Matthews, J Barlow
Health expectations 18 (6), 1918-1926, 2015
Evaluating a major innovation in hospital design: workforce implications and impact on patient and staff experiences of all single room hospital accommodation
J Maben, P Griffiths, C Penfold, M Simon, E Pizzo, J Anderson, G Robert, ...
Does use of point-of-care testing improve cost-effectiveness of the NHS Health Check programme in the primary care setting? A cost-minimisation analysis
A El-Osta, M Woringer, E Pizzo, T Verhoef, C Dickie, MZ Ni, JR Huddy, ...
BMJ open 7 (8), e015494, 2017
Gallstone ileus treated with non-surgical conservative methods: a case report
A Pezzoli, A Maimone, N Fusetti, E Pizzo
Journal of Medical Case Reports 9, 1-5, 2015
Mixed methods evaluation of the Getting it Right First Time programme-improvements to NHS orthopaedic care in England: study protocol
H Barratt, S Turner, A Hutchings, E Pizzo, E Hudson, T Briggs, R Hurd, ...
BMC health services research 17, 1-8, 2017
Community Occupational Therapy for people with dementia and family carers (COTiD-UK) versus treatment as usual (Valuing Active Life in Dementia [VALID]) study: A single-blind …
J Wenborn, AG O’Keeffe, G Mountain, E Moniz-Cook, M King, RZ Omar, ...
PLoS Medicine 18 (1), e1003433, 2021
Cost-utility analysis of mechanical thrombectomy between 6 and 24 hours in acute ischemic stroke
E Pizzo, M Dumba, K Lobotesis
International Journal of Stroke 15 (1), 75-84, 2020
A retrospective analysis of the cost of hospitalizations for sickle cell disease with crisis in England, 2010/11
E Pizzo, AA Laverty, KJ Phekoo, G AlJuburi, SA Green, D Bell, A Majeed
Journal of Public Health 37 (3), 529-539, 2015
The economic costs of child maltreatment in UK
G Conti, E Pizzo, S Morris, M Melnychuk
Health economics 30 (12), 3087-3105, 2021
The cost of local, multi‐professional obstetric emergencies training
CWH Yau, E Pizzo, S Morris, DE Odd, C Winter, TJ Draycott
Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica 95 (10), 1111-1119, 2016
Endovascular thrombectomy in patients with large core ischemic stroke: a cost-effectiveness analysis from the SELECT study
A Sarraj, E Pizzo, K Lobotesis, JC Grotta, AE Hassan, MG Abraham, ...
Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery 13 (10), 875-882, 2021
The economic cost of child maltreatment in the UK: A preliminary study
G Conti, S Morris, M Melnychuk, E Pizzo
London: NSPCC, 2017
Evaluating the effectiveness of the smartphone app, Drink Less, compared with the NHS alcohol advice webpage, for the reduction of alcohol consumption among hazardous and …
C Garnett, M Oldham, C Angus, E Beard, R Burton, M Field, F Greaves, ...
Addiction 116 (2), 412-425, 2021
The Age of BLood Evaluation (ABLE) randomised controlled trial: description of the UK-funded arm of the international trial, the UK cost-utility analysis and secondary analyses …
TS Walsh, S Stanworth, J Boyd, D Hope, S Hemmatapour, H Burrows, ...
Health Technology Assessment (Winchester, England) 21 (62), 1, 2017
Screenee perception and health-related quality of life in colorectal cancer screening: a review
E Pizzo, A Pezzoli, R Stockbrugger, E Bracci, E Vagnoni, S Gullini
Value in Health 14 (1), 152-159, 2011
Obstetric brachial plexus injuries (OBPIs): health-related quality of life in affected adults and parents
CWH Yau, E Pizzo, C Prajapati, T Draycott, E Lenguerrand
Health and quality of life outcomes 16, 1-8, 2018
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مقالات 1–20