Zhen-Qiang Zhou
Zhen-Qiang Zhou
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences & Institute of Atmospheric Sciences, Fudan University
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على fudan.edu.cn - الصفحة الرئيسية
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Historic Yangtze flooding of 2020 tied to extreme Indian Ocean conditions
ZQ Zhou, SP Xie, R Zhang
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (12), e2022255118, 2021
Global warming–induced changes in El Niño teleconnections over the North Pacific and North America
ZQ Zhou, SP Xie, XT Zheng, Q Liu, H Wang
Journal of Climate 27 (24), 9050-9064, 2014
Intermodel uncertainty in ENSO amplitude change tied to Pacific Ocean warming pattern
XT Zheng, SP Xie, LH Lv, ZQ Zhou
Journal of Climate 29 (20), 7265-7279, 2016
Effects of climatological model biases on the projection of tropical climate change
ZQ Zhou, SP Xie
Journal of Climate 28 (24), 9909-9917, 2015
Abrupt emissions reductions during COVID-19 contributed to record summer rainfall in China
Y Yang, L Ren, M Wu, H Wang, F Song, LR Leung, X Hao, J Li, L Chen, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 959, 2022
Seasonal modulations of El Niño–related atmospheric variability: Indo–western Pacific Ocean feedback
SP Xie, ZQ Zhou
Journal of Climate 30 (9), 3461-3472, 2017
Interannual variability of summer surface air temperature over central India: Implications for monsoon onset
ZQ Zhou, R Zhang, SP Xie
Journal of Climate 32 (6), 1693-1706, 2019
Evaluating AMIP skill in simulating interannual variability over the Indo–western Pacific
ZQ Zhou, SP Xie, GJ Zhang, W Zhou
Journal of Climate 31 (6), 2253-2265, 2018
Variability and predictability of Indian rainfall during the monsoon onset month of June
ZQ Zhou, SP Xie, R Zhang
Geophysical Research Letters 46 (24), 14782-14788, 2019
Slow preconditioning for the abrupt convective jump over the northwest Pacific during summer
W Zhou, SP Xie, ZQ Zhou
Journal of Climate 29 (22), 8103-8113, 2016
More complex interactions: Continuing progress in understanding the dynamics of regional climate change under a warming climate
P Huang, XT Zheng, X Li, K Hu, ZQ Zhou
The Innovation 4 (2), 2023
Surface warming patterns dominate the uncertainty in global water vapor plus lapse rate feedback
J Zhang, J Ma, J Che, Z Zhou, G Gao
Acta Oceanologica Sinica 39, 81-89, 2020
Indian Ocean Dipole response to global warming: A multi-member study with CCSM4
ZQ Zhou, SP Xie, XT Zheng, Q Liu
Journal of Ocean University of China 12, 209-215, 2013
Interannual variability of surface air temperature over indochina peninsula during summer monsoon onset
M Zhang, ZQ Zhou, R Zhang, Y Tan, M Wen
Climate Dynamics 60 (11), 3543-3560, 2023
Sources of Inter‐Model Diversity in the Strength of the Relationship Between the Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall and El Niño‐Southern Oscillation
SY Yu, L Fan, XT Zheng, Y Zhang, ZQ Zhou, Z Li
Geophysical Research Letters 50 (4), e2022GL101718, 2023
Trend and interannual variability of summer marine heatwaves in the tropical Indian ocean: Patterns, mixed layer heat budget, and seasonal prediction
X Wang, J Liu, R Zhang, Y Zhang, ZQ Zhou, Q Han
Weather and Climate Extremes 44, 100680, 2024
Comparison of two filter approaches for characterizing boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation
Y Wang, ZQ Zhou, R Zhang, Y Tan
Atmospheric Research 299, 107210, 2024
Interdecadal Shift in the Influence of East Asian Winter Monsoon on El Niño: The Role of the Arctic Oscillation
Q Han, R Zhang, ZQ Zhou
Journal of Climate, 2025
Interdecadal variation of ENSO teleconnections to surface air temperature over central India during summer monsoon onset
ZQ Zhou, R Zhang
Climate Dynamics 63 (1), 14, 2025
Sea ice reduction in the Barents-Kara Sea enhances June precipitation in the Yangtze River basin
T Xie, ZQ Zhou, R Zhang, B Wu, P Zhang
EGUsphere 2024, 1-18, 2024
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مقالات 1–20