B. Straumal
B. Straumal
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Nanomaterials by severe plastic deformation: review of historical developments and recent advances
K Edalati, A Bachmaier, VA Beloshenko, Y Beygelzimer, VD Blank, ...
Materials Research Letters 10 (4), 163-256, 2022
Magnetization study of nanograined pure and Mn-doped ZnO films: Formation of a ferromagnetic grain-boundary foam
BB Straumal, AA Mazilkin, SG Protasova, AA Myatiev, PB Straumal, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (20), 205206, 2009
Silicon carbide and diamond for high temperature device applications
M Willander, M Friesel, Q Wahab, B Straumal
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 17, 1-25, 2006
Formation of nanograined structure and decomposition of supersaturated solid solution during high pressure torsion of Al–Zn and Al–Mg alloys
BB Straumal, B Baretzky, AA Mazilkin, F Phillipp, OA Kogtenkova, ...
Acta Materialia 52 (15), 4469-4478, 2004
Regions of existence of special and non-special grain boundaries
LS Shvindlerman, BB Straumal
Acta Metallurgica 33 (9), 1735-1749, 1985
Softening of nanostructured Al–Zn and Al–Mg alloys after severe plastic deformation
AA Mazilkin, BB Straumal, E Rabkin, B Baretzky, S Enders, SG Protasova, ...
Acta Materialia 54 (15), 3933-3939, 2006
Microstructure evolution and mechanical behavior of ultrafine Ti6Al4V during low-temperature superplastic deformation
SV Zherebtsov, EA Kudryavtsev, GA Salishchev, BB Straumal, ...
Acta Materialia 121, 152-163, 2016
Increase of Mn solubility with decreasing grain size in ZnO
B Straumal, B Baretzky, A Mazilkin, S Protasova, A Myatiev, P Straumal
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 29 (10), 1963-1970, 2009
Unusual super-ductility at room temperature in an ultrafine-grained aluminum alloy
RZ Valiev, MY Murashkin, A Kilmametov, B Straumal, NQ Chinh, ...
Journal of materials science 45, 4718-4724, 2010
Increase of Co solubility with decreasing grain size in ZnO
BB Straumal, AA Mazilkin, SG Protasova, AA Myatiev, PB Straumal, ...
Acta materialia 56 (20), 6246-6256, 2008
Hypereutectic Al-Si based alloys with a thixotropic microstructure produced by ultrasonic treatment
VO Abramov, OV Abramov, BB Straumal, W Gust
Materials & Design 18 (4-6), 323-326, 1997
The α→ ω and β→ ω phase transformations in Ti–Fe alloys under high-pressure torsion
AR Kilmametov, Y Ivanisenko, AA Mazilkin, BB Straumal, AS Gornakova, ...
Acta Materialia 144, 337-351, 2018
Gradual softening of Al–Zn alloys during high-pressure torsion
AA Mazilkin, BB Straumal, MV Borodachenkova, RZ Valiev, ...
Materials letters 84, 63-65, 2012
Accelerated diffusion and phase transformations in Co–Cu alloys driven by the severe plastic deformation
BB Straumal, AA Mazilkin, B Baretzky, G Schütz, E Rabkin, RZ Valiev
Materials Transactions 53 (1), 63-71, 2012
Grain boundary wetting by a solid phase; microstructural development in a Zn–5 wt% Al alloy
GA López, EJ Mittemeijer, BB Straumal
Acta materialia 52 (15), 4537-4545, 2004
Phase transitions in metallic alloys driven by the high pressure torsion
B Straumal, A Korneva, P Zieęba
archives of civil and mechanical engineering 14 (2), 242-249, 2014
Thermodynamic aspects of the grain boundary segregation in Cu (Bi) alloys
LS Chang, E Rabkin, BB Straumal, B Baretzky, W Gust
Acta Materialia 47 (15-16), 4041-4046, 1999
Grain boundary films in Al–Zn alloys after high pressure torsion
BB Straumal, X Sauvage, B Baretzky, AA Mazilkin, RZ Valiev
Scripta Materialia 70, 59-62, 2014
Grain-boundary melting phase transition in the system
S Divinski, M Lohmann, C Herzig, B Straumal, B Baretzky, W Gust
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (10), 104104, 2005
Interfacial dominated ferromagnetism in nanograined ZnO: a μSR and DFT study
T Tietze, P Audehm, YC Chen, G Schütz, BB Straumal, SG Protasova, ...
Scientific Reports 5 (1), 8871, 2015
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مقالات 1–20