V. S. Chandrasekhar Pammi
V. S. Chandrasekhar Pammi
Professor, Centre of Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences, University of Allahabad
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Neurobiological regret and rejoice functions for aversive outcomes
PVS Chandrasekhar, CM Capra, S Moore, C Noussair, GS Berns
Neuroimage 39 (3), 1472-1484, 2008
Is loss-aversion magnitude-dependent? Measuring prospective affective judgments regarding gains and losses
S Mukherjee, A Sahay, VSC Pammi, N Srinivasan
Judgment and Decision Making 12 (1), 81-89, 2017
Role of affect in decision making.
D Bandyopadhyay, VSC Pammi, N Srinivasan
Progress in brain research 202, 37, 2013
Changing the structure of complex visuo-motor sequences selectively activates the fronto-parietal network
VSC Pammi, KP Miyapuram, K Samejima, RS Bapi, K Doya
Neuroimage 59 (2), 1180-1189, 2012
Neural loss aversion differences between depression patients and healthy individuals: A functional MRI investigation
VSC Pammi, PPG Rajesh, C Kesavadas, PR Mary, S Seema, ...
The Neuroradiology Journal, 1971400915576670, 2015
From bad to worse: striatal coding of the relative value of painful decisions
AM Brooks, VS Pammi, C Noussair, CM Capra, JB Engelmann, GS Berns
Frontiers in neuroscience 4, 176, 2010
Investigation of sequence processing: A cognitive and computational neuroscience perspective
RS Bapi, VS Pammi, KP Miyapuram, A Ahmed
Current Science 89 (10), 2005
Effects of Motivation: Rewarding Hackers for Undetected Attacks Cause Analysts to Perform Poorly
Z Maqbool, N Makhijani, VSC Pammi, V Dutt
Human Factors 59 (3), 420-431, 2017
Understanding decision neuroscience: A multidisciplinary perspective and neural substrates.
KP Miyapuram, VS Pammi
Progress in brain research 202, 239, 2013
Application of Multilayer Perceptron Network for Tagging Parts-of-Speech
RS Bapi, KP Miyapuram, VS Pammi
Classification of Alzheimer Disease using Gabor Texture Feature of Hippocampus Region.
P Keserwani, VSC Pammi, O Prakash, A Khare, M Jeon
International Journal of Image, Graphics & Signal Processing 8 (6), 2016
Chunking phenomenon in complex sequential skill learning in humans
V Pammi, K Miyapuram, R Bapi, K Doya
Neural Information Processing, 294-299, 2004
University of Allahabad
VSC Pammi
India, 0
The effect of wealth shocks on loss aversion: behavior and neural correlates
VSC Pammi, S Ruiz, S Lee, C Noussair, R Sitaram
Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2017
Hierarchical chunking during learning of visuomotor sequences
KP Miyapuram, RS Bapi, CVS Pammi, K Doya
Neural Networks, 2006. IJCNN'06. International Joint Conference on, 249-253, 2006
Cybersecurity: Effect of information availability in security games
Z Maqbool, VSC Pammi, V Dutt
Cyber Situational Awareness, Data Analytics And Assessment (CyberSA), 2016 …, 2016
Cyber Security: A game-theoretic analysis of defender and attacker strategies in defacing-website games
P Aggarwal, A Grover, S Singh, Z Maqbool, VSC Pammi, V Dutt
IEEE Proceedings of the International Conference on Cyber Situational …, 2015
Decision Making: Neural and Behavioural Approaches
VSC Pammi, N Srinivasan
Elsevier, 2013
Neuroeconomics of individual decision making at multiple levels: a review
VSC Pammi, KP Miyapuram
Expanding Horizons of the Mind Science (s). Nova Publications, New York, 159-185, 2012
Dissociable Effects of Task Irrelevant Emotional Information on Decision Making Under Risk
D Bandyopadhyay, N Srinivasan, VSC Pammi
Neuroscience of Decision Making 1, 1-8, 2013
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مقالات 1–20