David N. van der Goes
David N. van der Goes
Associate Professor, Economics, University of New Mexico
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Rates of opioid misuse, abuse, and addiction in chronic pain: a systematic review and data synthesis
KE Vowles, ML McEntee, PS Julnes, T Frohe, JP Ney, DN Van Der Goes
Pain 156 (4), 569-576, 2015
Continuous and routine EEG in intensive care: utilization and outcomes, United States 2005–2009
JP Ney, DN van der Goes, MR Nuwer, L Nelson, MA Eccher
Neurology 81 (23), 2002-2008, 2013
Cost-effectiveness of pit-and-fissure sealants on primary molars in Medicaid-enrolled children
DL Chi, DN van der Goes, JP Ney
American journal of public health 104 (3), 555-561, 2014
Does intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring matter in noncomplex spine surgeries?
JP Ney, DN Van Der Goes, MR Nuwer
Neurology 85 (24), 2151-2158, 2015
Cost–benefit analysis: Intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring in spinal surgeries
JP Ney, DN van der Goes, JH Watanabe
Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology 30 (3), 280-286, 2013
Cost-effectiveness of intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring for spinal surgeries: beginning steps
JP Ney, DNV DER GOES, JH Watanabe
Clinical neurophysiology 123 (9), 1705-1707, 2012
Cost-effectiveness of Access to Critical Cerebral Emergency Support Services (ACCESS): a neuro-emergent telemedicine consultation program
J Whetten, DN van der Goes, H Tran, M Moffett, C Semper, H Yonas
Journal of medical economics 21 (4), 398-405, 2018
Evidence-based guideline update: Intraoperative spinal monitoring with somatosensory and transcranial electrical motor evoked potentials. Report of the Therapeutics and …
JP Ney, DN van der Goes
Neurology 79 (3), 292-294, 2012
An iron triangle ROI model for health care
DN van der Goes, N Edwardson, V Rayamajhee, C Hollis, D Hunter
ClinicoEconomics and Outcomes Research, 335-348, 2019
Comparative effectiveness analyses of intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring in spinal surgery
JP Ney, DN van der Goes
Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology 31 (2), 112-117, 2014
Effect of state health insurance mandates on employer-provided health insurance
DN Van der Goes, J Wang, KC Wolchik
Eastern Economic Journal 37, 437-449, 2011
Economic modeling of sealing primary molars using a “value of information” approach
JP Ney, DN van der Goes, DL Chi
Journal of dental research 93 (9), 876-881, 2014
Determinants of private health insurance coverage among Mexican American men 2010–2013
DN van der Goes, R Santos
Journal of Medical Economics 21 (11), 1139-1143, 2018
Determinants of specialist physician ambulatory visits: a neurology example
DN van der Goes, JP Ney, LP Garrison
Journal of Medical Economics 22 (8), 830-839, 2019
Guidelines for the use of electrophysiological monitoring for surgery of the human spinal column and spinal cord
JP Ney, DN van der Goes
Neurosurgery 83 (2), E78-E79, 2018
From the Vietnam war to retirement: Are veterans healthy enough to enjoy their" golden years"?
SE Snyder, DN van der Goes
Journal of Military and Veterans Health 20 (4), 14-20, 2012
Severe COPD exacerbation risk and long-acting bronchodilator treatments: comparison of three observational data analysis methods
MH Roberts, DW Mapel, ME Borrego, DW Raisch, L Georgopoulos, ...
Drugs-Real World Outcomes 2, 163-175, 2015
Cervical decompression
JP Ney, DN van der Goes
Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine 19 (4), 523-525, 2013
Cost-benefit analysis of intraoperative neuromonitoring for cardiac surgery
B Jain, FO Rahim, PD Thirumala, ML McGarvey, J Balzer, RG Nogueira, ...
Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases 33 (3), 107576, 2024
On the importance of clear comparisons and a methodologically rigorous empirical literature in evaluating opioid use in chronic pain: a response to Scholten and Henningfield
KE Vowles, ML McEntee, PS Julnes, T Frohe, JP Ney, DN Van Der Goes
Pain 156 (8), 1577-1578, 2015
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مقالات 1–20