Christopher Farrington
Christopher Farrington
Georgia State University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Fundamental properties of stars using asteroseismology from Kepler and CoRoT and interferometry from the CHARA array
D Huber, MJ Ireland, TR Bedding, IM Brandão, L Piau, V Maestro, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 760 (1), 32, 2012
Stellar diameters and temperatures. III. Main-sequence A, F, G, and K stars: additional high-precision measurements and empirical relations
TS Boyajian, K Von Braun, G Van Belle, C Farrington, G Schaefer, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 771 (1), 40, 2013
Stellar diameters and temperatures. I. Main-sequence A, F, and G stars
TS Boyajian, HA McAlister, G Van Belle, DR Gies, TA Ten Brummelaar, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 746 (1), 101, 2012
Infrared images of the transiting disk in the ε Aurigae system
B Kloppenborg, R Stencel, JD Monnier, G Schaefer, M Zhao, F Baron, ...
Nature 464 (7290), 870-872, 2010
VEGA: Visible spEctroGraph and polArimeter for the CHARA array: principle and performance
D Mourard, JM Clausse, A Marcotto, K Perraut, I Tallon-Bosc, P Bério, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 508 (2), 1073-1083, 2009
Imaging and modeling rapidly rotating stars: α Cephei and α Ophiuchi
M Zhao, JD Monnier, E Pedretti, N Thureau, A Mérand, T Ten Brummelaar, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 701 (1), 209, 2009
Interferometric radii of bright Kepler stars with the CHARA Array: θ Cygni and 16 Cygni A and B
TR White, D Huber, V Maestro, TR Bedding, MJ Ireland, F Baron, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 433 (2), 1262-1270, 2013
Stellar diameters and temperatures–V. 11 newly characterized exoplanet host stars
K Von Braun, TS Boyajian, GT van Belle, SR Kane, J Jones, C Farrington, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 438 (3), 2413-2425, 2014
55 Cancri: stellar astrophysical parameters, a planet in the habitable zone, and implications for the radius of a transiting super-Earth
K Von Braun, SB Tabetha, TA Ten Brummelaar, SR Kane, GT van Belle, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 740 (1), 49, 2011
First resolved images of the eclipsing and interacting binary β Lyrae
M Zhao, D Gies, JD Monnier, N Thureau, E Pedretti, F Baron, A Merand, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 684 (2), L95, 2008
Stellar diameters and temperatures–VI. High angular resolution measurements of the transiting exoplanet host stars HD 189733 and HD 209458 and implications for models of cool …
T Boyajian, K von Braun, GA Feiden, D Huber, S Basu, P Demarque, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 447 (1), 846-857, 2015
A tale of two Herbig Ae stars, MWC 275 and AB Aurigae: comprehensive models for spectral energy distribution and interferometry
A Tannirkulam, JD Monnier, TJ Harries, R Millan-Gabet, Z Zhu, E Pedretti, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 689 (1), 513, 2008
CHARA array K'-band measurements of the angular dimensions of Be star disks
DR Gies, WG Bagnuolo Jr, EK Baines, TA ten Brummelaar, CD Farrington, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 654 (1), 527, 2007
The GJ 436 system: directly determined astrophysical parameters of an M dwarf and implications for the transiting hot Neptune
K Von Braun, TS Boyajian, SR Kane, L Hebb, GT Van Belle, C Farrington, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 753 (2), 171, 2012
The CHARA array angular diameter of HR 8799 favors planetary masses for its imaged companions
EK Baines, RJ White, D Huber, J Jones, T Boyajian, HA McAlister, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 761 (1), 57, 2012
Astrophysical parameters and habitable zone of the exoplanet hosting star GJ 581
K Von Braun, TS Boyajian, SR Kane, GT Van Belle, DR Ciardi, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 729 (2), L26, 2011
The radii of the nearby K5V and K7V stars 61 Cygni A & B-CHARA/FLUOR interferometry and CESAM2k modeling
P Kervella, A Mérand, B Pichon, F Thévenin, U Heiter, L Bigot, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 488 (2), 667-674, 2008
Spectral and spatial imaging of the Be+ sdO binary ϕ Persei
D Mourard, JD Monnier, A Meilland, D Gies, F Millour, M Benisty, X Che, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 577, A51, 2015
The expanding fireball of Nova Delphini 2013
GH Schaefer, T Brummelaar, DR Gies, CD Farrington, B Kloppenborg, ...
Nature 515 (7526), 234-236, 2014
Orbits, distance, and stellar masses of the massive triple star σ Orionis
GH Schaefer, CA Hummel, DR Gies, RT Zavala, JD Monnier, FM Walter, ...
The Astronomical Journal 152 (6), 213, 2016
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مقالات 1–20