Nathan B Morris
Nathan B Morris
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Hot weather and heat extremes: health risks
KL Ebi, A Capon, P Berry, C Broderick, R de Dear, G Havenith, Y Honda, ...
The lancet 398 (10301), 698-708, 2021
Reducing the health effects of hot weather and heat extremes: from personal cooling strategies to green cities
O Jay, A Capon, P Berry, C Broderick, R de Dear, G Havenith, Y Honda, ...
The Lancet 398 (10301), 709-724, 2021
A comparison between the technical absorbent and ventilated capsule methods for measuring local sweat rate
NB Morris, MN Cramer, SG Hodder, G Havenith, O Jay
Journal of applied physiology 114 (6), 816-823, 2013
Occupational heat strain in outdoor workers: a comprehensive review and meta-analysis
LG Ioannou, J Foster, NB Morris, JF Piil, G Havenith, IB Mekjavic, ...
Temperature 9 (1), 67-102, 2022
Ice slurry ingestion leads to a lower net heat loss during exercise in the heat
NB Morris, G Coombs, O Jay
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 48 (1), 114-122, 2016
Sustainable solutions to mitigate occupational heat strain–an umbrella review of physiological effects and global health perspectives
NB Morris, O Jay, AD Flouris, A Casanueva, C Gao, J Foster, G Havenith, ...
Environmental Health 19, 1-24, 2020
Does cold water or ice slurry ingestion during exercise elicit a net body cooling effect in the heat?
O Jay, NB Morris
Sports Medicine 48 (1), 17-29, 2018
Electric fan use for cooling during hot weather: a biophysical modelling study
NB Morris, GK Chaseling, T English, F Gruss, MFB Maideen, A Capon, ...
The Lancet Planetary Health 5 (6), e368-e377, 2021
The effects of electric fan use under differing resting heat index conditions: a clinical trial
NB Morris, T English, L Hospers, A Capon, O Jay
Annals of Internal Medicine 171 (9), 675-677, 2019
Direct exposure of the head to solar heat radiation impairs motor-cognitive performance
JF Piil, L Christiansen, NB Morris, CJ Mikkelsen, LG Ioannou, AD Flouris, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 7812, 2020
Evidence that transient changes in sudomotor output with cold and warm fluid ingestion are independently modulated by abdominal, but not oral thermoreceptors
NB Morris, AR Bain, MN Cramer, O Jay
Journal of Applied Physiology 116 (8), 1088-1095, 2014
Muscle Metabolism and Fatigue during Simulated Ice Hockey Match-Play in Elite Players.
JF Vigh-Larsen, G Ermidis, V Rago, MB Randers, DAN Fransson, ...
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 52 (10), 2162-2171, 2020
Hematological adaptations to prolonged heat acclimation in endurance-trained males
L Oberholzer, C Siebenmann, CJ Mikkelsen, N Junge, JF Piil, NB Morris, ...
Frontiers in Physiology 10, 1379, 2019
Running economy, not aerobic fitness, independently alters thermoregulatory responses during treadmill running
J Smoljanić, NB Morris, S Dervis, O Jay
Journal of Applied Physiology 117 (12), 1451-1459, 2014
Menthol as an Ergogenic aid for the Tokyo 2021 Olympic games: an Expert-Led consensus statement using the modified Delphi method
MJ Barwood, OR Gibson, DJ Gillis, O Jeffries, NB Morris, J Pearce, ...
Sports Medicine 50, 1709-1727, 2020
Fanning as an alternative to air conditioning–a sustainable solution for reducing indoor occupational heat stress
O Jay, R Hoelzl, J Weets, N Morris, T English, L Nybo, J Niu, R de Dear, ...
Energy and Buildings 193, 92-98, 2019
A preliminary study of the effect of dousing and foot immersion on cardiovascular and thermal responses to extreme heat
NB Morris, F Gruss, S Lempert, T English, L Hospers, A Capon, O Jay
Jama 322 (14), 1411-1413, 2019
The HEAT-SHIELD project—Perspectives from an inter-sectoral approach to occupational heat stress
NB Morris, JF Piil, M Morabito, A Messeri, M Levi, LG Ioannou, U Ciuha, ...
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 24 (8), 747-755, 2021
Prolonged facemask use in the heat worsens dyspnea without compromising motor-cognitive performance
NB Morris, JF Piil, L Christiansen, AD Flouris, L Nybo
Temperature 8 (2), 160-165, 2021
COVID-19 and thermoregulation-related problems: practical recommendations
H Daanen, S Bose-O’Reilly, M Brearley, DA Flouris, NM Gerrett, ...
Temperature 8 (1), 1-11, 2021
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20