Yeng Ang
Yeng Ang
University of Manchester
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The repertoire of mutational signatures in human cancer.
Nature 578 (7793), 94-101, 2020
pan-cancer analysis of whole genome
ITP consortium
Nature 578, 82-93, 2020
British Society of Gastroenterology guidelines on the diagnosis and management of Barrett's oesophagus
RC Fitzgerald, M Di Pietro, K Ragunath, Y Ang, JY Kang, P Watson, ...
Gut 63 (1), 7-42, 2014
The evolutionary history of 2,658 cancers
M Gerstung, C Jolly, I Leshchiner, SC Dentro, S Gonzalez, D Rosebrock, ...
Nature 578 (7793), 122-128, 2020
Patterns of somatic structural variation in human cancer genomes
Nature 578 (7793), 112-121, 2020
Comprehensive analysis of chromothripsis in 2,658 human cancers using whole-genome sequencing
I Cortés-Ciriano, JJK Lee, R Xi, D Jain, YL Jung, L Yang, D Gordenin, ...
Nature genetics 52 (3), 331-341, 2020
Analyses of non-coding somatic drivers in 2,658 cancer whole genomes
E Rheinbay, MM Nielsen, F Abascal, JA Wala, O Shapira, G Tiao, ...
Nature 578 (7793), 102-111, 2020
Genome-wide association study identifies 12 new susceptibility loci for primary biliary cirrhosis
GF Mells, JAB Floyd, KI Morley, HJ Cordell, CS Franklin, SY Shin, ...
Nature genetics 43 (4), 329-332, 2011
Sex and age are determinants of the clinical phenotype of primary biliary cirrhosis and response to ursodeoxycholic acid
M Carbone, GF Mells, G Pells, MF Dawwas, JL Newton, MA Heneghan, ...
Gastroenterology 144 (3), 560-569. e7, 2013
Mutational signatures in esophageal adenocarcinoma define etiologically distinct subgroups with therapeutic relevance
M Secrier, X Li, N De Silva, MD Eldridge, G Contino, J Bornschein, ...
Nature genetics 48 (10), 1131-1141, 2016
ordering of mutations in preinvasive disease stages of esophageal carcinogenesis
O Consortium.
nature genetics 46 (8), 837-43, 2014
The UK-PBC risk scores: Derivation and validation of a scoring system for long term prediction of bed stage liver disease in primary biliary cirrhosis
et al Carbone M, Sharp SJ, Flack S
Hepatology, 2015
Pan-cancer analysis of whole genomes identifies driver rearrangements promoted by LINE-1 retrotransposition
B Rodriguez-Martin, EG Alvarez, A Baez-Ortega, J Zamora, F Supek, ...
Nature genetics 52 (3), 306-319, 2020
Comprehensive molecular characterization of mitochondrial genomes in human genomes
P Yuan Y, Ju YS, Kim Y, Wang Y, Yoon CJ, Yang Y, Martincorena I, Creighton ...
Nature Genetics 52 (3), 342-352, 2020
Genomic basis for RNA alterations in cancer
PTC Group, PTW Group, ...
Nature 578 (7793), 129-136, 2020
Gefitinib for oesophageal cancer progressing after chemotherapy (COG): a phase 3, multicentre, double-blind, placebo-controlled randomised trial
PRD Dutton SJ, Ferry DR, Blazeby JM, Abbas H, Dahle-Smith A, Mansoor W ...
lancet oncology 15 (8), 894-904, 2014
The management of gastric polyps
AF Goddard, R Badreldin, DM Pritchard, MM Walker, B Warren
Gut 59 (9), 1270-1276, 2010
international genome wide meta analysis identifies new primary biliary cirrhosis risk loci and targetable pathogenic pathways
et al Cordell HJ, Han Y, Mells CF
Nature Communications, 2015
Whole Genome sequencing provides new insights into the coronal architecture of Barrett's esophagus and esophageal adenorcarcinoma
WA Ross-Innes CS, Becq J
Nature Genetics 47 (9), 1038-46, 2015
Dense fine-mapping study identifies new susceptibility loci for primary biliary cirrhosis
JZ Liu, MA Almarri, DJ Gaffney, GF Mells, L Jostins, HJ Cordell, SJ Ducker, ...
Nature genetics 44 (10), 1137-1141, 2012
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مقالات 1–20