Halimaton Hamdan
Halimaton Hamdan
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Conversion of rice husk ash to zeolite beta
D Prasetyoko, Z Ramli, S Endud, H Hamdan, B Sulikowski
Waste management 26 (10), 1173-1179, 2006
29Si MAS NMR, XRD and FESEM studies of rice husk silica for the synthesis of zeolites
H Hamdan, MNM Muhid, S Endud, E Listiorini, Z Ramli
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 211 (1-2), 126-131, 1997
Solid-state NMR studies of the geometry of Brønsted acid sites in zeolitic catalysts
D Freude, J Klinowski, H Hamdan
Chemical physics letters 149 (4), 355-362, 1988
Introduction to zeolites: synthesis, characterization, and modification
H Hamdan
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kualalumpur, 1992
Synthesis and characterization of fibrous silica ZSM-5 for cumene hydrocracking
ML Firmansyah, AA Jalil, S Triwahyono, H Hamdan, MM Salleh, ...
Catalysis Science & Technology 6 (13), 5178-5182, 2016
Hydrothermal isomorphous substitution of aluminum in faujasitic frameworks: second-generation zeolite catalysts
H Hamdan, B Sulikowski, J Klinowski
The Journal of Physical Chemistry 93 (1), 350-356, 1989
Iron-porphyrin encapsulated in poly (methacrylic acid) and mesoporous Al-MCM-41 as catalysts in the oxidation of benzene to phenol
H Nur, H Hamid, S Endud, H Hamdan, Z Ramli
Materials Chemistry and Physics 96 (2-3), 337-342, 2006
Sulphated AlMCM-41: Mesoporous solid Brønsted acid catalyst for dibenzoylation of biphenyl
NE Poh, H Nur, MNM Muhid, H Hamdan
Catalysis Today 114 (2-3), 257-262, 2006
Alumination of the purely siliceous mesoporous molecular sieve MCM-41 and its hydrothermal conversion into zeolite Na-A
H Hamdan, S Endud, H He, MNM Muhid, J Klinowski
Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 92 (12), 2311-2315, 1996
Interaction of Zn2+ with extraframework aluminum in HBEA zeolite and its role in enhancing n-pentane isomerization
NHN Kamarudin, AA Jalil, S Triwahyono, RR Mukti, MA Ab Aziz, ...
Applied Catalysis A: General 431, 104-112, 2012
Simultaneous adsorption of a mixture of paraquat and dye by NaY zeolite covered with alkylsilane
H Nur, AFNA Manan, LK Wei, MNM Muhid, H Hamdan
Journal of Hazardous Materials 117 (1), 35-40, 2005
On the location of different titanium sites in Ti–OMS-2 and their catalytic role in oxidation of styrene
H Nur, F Hayati, H Hamdan
Catalysis Communications 8 (12), 2007
Generation of Brönsted acidity in AlMCM-41 by sulphation for enhanced liquid phase tert-butylation of phenol
EP Ng, H Nur, KL Wong, MNM Muhid, H Hamdan
Applied Catalysis A: General 323, 58-65, 2007
Quantitative measurement of a mixture of mesophases cubic MCM-48 and hexagonal MCM-41 by 13C CP/MAS NMR
H Nur, LC Guan, S Endud, H Hamdan
Materials Letters 58 (12-13), 1971-1974, 2004
Organosulfonic acid functionalized zeolite ZSM-5 as temperature tolerant proton conducting material
H Nur, GL Kee, H Hamdan, TMI Mahlia, J Efendi, HSC Metselaar
international journal of hydrogen energy 37 (17), 12513-12521, 2012
Design of low molecular weight pectin and its nanoparticles through combination treatment of pectin by microwave and inorganic salts
BH Zainudin, TW Wong, H Hamdan
Polymer Degradation and Stability 147, 35-40, 2018
Hydrophobic fluorinated TiO2–ZrO2 as catalyst in epoxidation of 1-octene with aqueous hydrogen peroxide
H Nur, NY Hau, II Misnon, H Hamdan, MNM Muhid
Materials Letters 60 (17-18), 2274-2277, 2006
Effect of silica aerogel–Aluminium trihydroxide hybrid filler on the physio-mechanical and thermal decomposition behaviour of unsaturated polyester resin composite
ZAA Halim, MAM Yajid, FA Nurhadi, N Ahmad, H Hamdan
Polymer Degradation and Stability 182, 109377, 2020
Thermal and mechanical behavior of natural rubber latex‐silica aerogel film
NK On, AA Rashid, MMM Nazlan, H Hamdan
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 124 (4), 3108-3116, 2012
Introduction to Zeolites: Synthesis
H Hamdan
Characterization, and Modification, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kualalumpur, 1992
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20