Robert Singh
Robert Singh
Dr. Abraham Pishevar Endowed Chair of Finance and Entrepreneurship, Howard University
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على howard.edu
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Opportunity recognition: Perceptions and behaviors of entrepreneurs
GE Hills, GT Lumpkin, RP Singh
Frontiers of entrepreneurship research 17 (4), 168-182, 1997
Entrepreneurial opportunity recognition through social networks
RP Singh
Psychology Press, 2000
Opportunity recognition through social network characteristics of entrepreneurs
R Singh, GE Hills, RC Hybels, GT Lumpkin
Frontiers of entrepreneurship research 19 (10), 228-241, 1999
A comment on developing the field of entrepreneurship through the study of opportunity recognition and exploitation
RP Singh
Academy of Management Review 26 (1), 10-12, 2001
The entrepreneurial opportunity recognition process: Examining the role of self-perceived alertness and social networks.
RP Singh, GE Hills, GT Lumpkin, RC Hybels
Academy of management proceedings 1999 (1), G1-G6, 1999
Examining successful Iranian women entrepreneurs: an exploratory study
G Javadian, RP Singh
Gender in management: An international journal 27 (3), 148-164, 2012
Opportunity recognition
GE Hills, RP Singh
Handbook of entrepreneurial dynamics: The process of business creation 259, 272, 2004
Redefining psychological contracts with the US work force: A critical task for strategic human resource management planners in the 1990s
R Singh
Human Resource Management: Published in Cooperation with the School of …, 1998
Opportunity recognition differences between black and white nascent entrepreneurs: A test of Bhave's model
RP Singh, EL Knox, MES Crump
Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship 13 (01), 59-75, 2008
New venture ideas and entrepreneurial opportunities: Understanding the process of opportunity recognition
RP Singh, GE Hills, GT Lumpkin
13th Annual Conference of the United States Association for Small Business …, 1999
Entrepreneurial resilience, high impact challenges, and firm performance
Y Awotoye, RP Singh
Journal of Management Policy and Practice 18 (2), 28-37, 2017
Entrepreneurial opportunity recognition through social networks
RP Singh
University of Illinois at Chicago, 1998
Opportunity recognition processes of black entrepreneurs
RP Singh, SRR Gibbs
Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship 26 (6), 643-659, 2013
Not just domestic engineers: An exploratory study of homemaker entrepreneurs
RP Singh, LM Lucas
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 29 (1), 79-90, 2005
Examining the role of social network size and structural holes
RP Singh, RC Hybels, GE Hills
New England Journal of Entrepreneurship 3 (2), 47, 2000
Using formal internships to improve entrepreneurship education programs
CL Dobratz, RP Singh, A Abbey
Journal of Entrepreneurship Education 18 (1), 96, 2015
Examining the role of self-perceived entrepreneurial alertness in the opportunity recognition process
R Singh, H Hills, GT Lumpkin
13th UIC/AMA Symposium on Marketing and Entrepreneurship Interface, Nice, June, 1999
The New Employment Relations Compact.
EH Burack, RP Singh
Human Resource Planning 18 (1), 1995
Educational attainment: A key factor for improving the lagging rate of black entrepreneurship
RP Singh, MES Crump
The Review of Black Political Economy 34 (3-4), 217-229, 2007
Overconfidence: A common psychological attribute of entrepreneurs which leads to firm failure
RP Singh
New England Journal of Entrepreneurship 23 (1), 25-39, 2020
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مقالات 1–20