Balz Frei
Balz Frei
Linus Pauling Institute, Oregon State University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Ascorbate is an outstanding antioxidant in human blood plasma.
B Frei, L England, BN Ames
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 86 (16), 6377-6381, 1989
Tea catechins and polyphenols: health effects, metabolism, and antioxidant functions
JV Higdon, B Frei
Taylor & Francis Group 43 (1), 89-143, 2003
Antioxidants and atherosclerotic heart disease
MN Diaz, B Frei, JA Vita, JF Keaney Jr
New England journal of medicine 337 (6), 408-416, 1997
Antioxidant defenses and lipid peroxidation in human blood plasma.
B Frei, R Stocker, BN Ames
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 85 (24), 9748-9752, 1988
Increase in Circulating Products of Lipid Peroxidation (F2-Isoprostanes) in Smokers — Smoking as a Cause of Oxidative Damage
JD Morrow, B Frei, AW Longmire, JM Gaziano, SM Lynch, Y Shyr, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 332 (18), 1198-1203, 1995
The effect of cholesterol-lowering and antioxidant therapy on endothelium-dependent coronary vasomotion
TJ Anderson, IT Meredith, AC Yeung, B Frei, AP Selwyn, P Ganz
New England Journal of Medicine 332 (8), 488-493, 1995
Coffee and health: a review of recent human research
JV Higdon, B Frei
Critical reviews in food science and nutrition 46 (2), 101-123, 2006
Anthocyanins, Phenolics, and Antioxidant Capacity in Diverse Small Fruits:  Vaccinium, Rubus, and Ribes
RA Moyer, KE Hummer, CE Finn, B Frei, RE Wrolstad
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 50 (3), 519-525, 2002
Toward a new recommended dietary allowance for vitamin C based on antioxidant and health effects in humans
AC Carr, B Frei
The American journal of clinical nutrition 69 (6), 1086-1107, 1999
Antioxidant activity of tea polyphenols in vivo: evidence from animal studies
B Frei, JV Higdon
The Journal of nutrition 133 (10), 3275S-3284S, 2003
Does vitamin C act as a pro‐oxidant under physiological conditions?
A Carr, B Frei
The FASEB journal 13 (9), 1007-1024, 1999
Ubiquinol-10 protects human low density lipoprotein more efficiently against lipid peroxidation than does alpha-tocopherol.
R Stocker, VW Bowry, B Frei
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 88 (5), 1646-1650, 1991
Consumption of flavonoid-rich foods and increased plasma antioxidant capacity in humans: cause, consequence, or epiphenomenon?
SB Lotito, B Frei
Free Radical Biology and Medicine 41 (12), 1727-1746, 2006
Antioxidants in tea
SA Wiseman, DA Balentine, B Frei
Critical Reviews in Food Science & Nutrition 37 (8), 705-718, 1997
Reactive oxygen species and antioxidant vitamins: mechanisms of action
B Frei
The American journal of medicine 97 (3), S5-S13, 1994
Ubiquinol-10 is an effective lipid-soluble antioxidant at physiological concentrations.
B Frei, MC Kim, BN Ames
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 87 (12), 4879-4883, 1990
Can antioxidant vitamins materially reduce oxidative damage in humans?
MR McCall, B Frei
Free Radical Biology and Medicine 26 (7-8), 1034-1053, 1999
Ascorbic acid reverses endothelial vasomotor dysfunction in patients with coronary artery disease
GN Levine, B Frei, SN Koulouris, MD Gerhard, JF Keaney Jr, JA Vita
Circulation 93 (6), 1107-1113, 1996
Short-and long-term black tea consumption reverses endothelial dysfunction in patients with coronary artery disease
SJ Duffy, JF Keaney Jr, M Holbrook, N Gokce, PL Swerdloff, B Frei, ...
Circulation 104 (2), 151-156, 2001
Gas phase oxidants of cigarette smoke induce lipid peroxidation and changes in lipoprotein properties in human blood plasma. Protective effects of ascorbic acid
B Frei, TM Forte, BN Ames, CE Cross
Biochemical Journal 277 (1), 133-138, 1991
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مقالات 1–20