Dieter  Mergel
Dieter Mergel
Professor of Technical Physics, Duisburg University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Nucleation and growth in TiO2 films prepared by sputtering and evaporation
P Löbl, M Huppertz, D Mergel
Thin solid films 251 (1), 72-79, 1994
Density and refractive index of TiO2 films prepared by reactive evaporation
D Mergel, D Buschendorf, S Eggert, R Grammes, B Samset
Thin solid films 371 (1-2), 218-224, 2000
Dielectric modelling of optical spectra of thin In2O3: Sn films
D Mergel, Z Qiao
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 35 (8), 794, 2002
Refractive index of thin films of SiO2, ZrO2, and HfO2 as a function of the films’ mass density
M Jerman, Z Qiao, D Mergel
Applied optics 44 (15), 3006-3012, 2005
Dielectric modeling of transmittance spectra of thin ZnO: Al films
Z Qiao, C Agashe, D Mergel
Thin solid films 496 (2), 520-525, 2006
Data driven search organization for continuous speech recognition
H Ney, D Mergel, A Noll, A Paeseler
IEEE Transactions on signal processing 40 (2), 272-281, 1992
Thickness dependence of In2O3: Sn film growth
Z Qiao, R Latz, D Mergel
Thin solid films 466 (1-2), 250-258, 2004
A data-driven organization of the dynamic programming beam search for continuous speech recognition
H Ney, D Mergel, A Noll, A Paeseler
ICASSP'87. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal …, 1987
Correlation of lattice distortion with optical and electrical properties of films
D Mergel, Z Qiao
Journal of applied physics 95 (10), 5608-5615, 2004
Oxygen incorporation in thin films of prepared by radio frequency sputtering
D Mergel, W Stass, G Ehl, D Barthel
Journal of Applied Physics 88 (5), 2437-2442, 2000
Modeling thin TiO2 films of various densities as an effective optical medium
D Mergel
Thin Solid Films 397 (1-2), 216-222, 2001
Structural and electrical properties of In2O3: Sn films prepared by radio-frequency sputtering
D Mergel, M Schenkel, M Ghebre, M Sulkowski
Thin Solid Films 392 (1), 91-97, 2001
Pseudocrystalline model of the magnetic anisotropy in amorphous rare-earth–transition-metal thin films
D Mergel, H Heitmann, P Hansen
Physical Review B 47 (2), 882, 1993
Structural and optical properties of BaTiO3 thin films prepared by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering at various substrate temperatures
YKV Reddy, D Mergel, S Reuter, V Buck, M Sulkowski
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 39 (6), 1161, 2006
ITO films for antireflective and antistatic tube coatings prepared by dc magnetron sputtering
HP Löbl, M Huppertz, D Mergel
Surface and Coatings Technology 82 (1-2), 90-98, 1996
Comparison of radio-frequency and direct-current magnetron sputtered thin In2O3: Sn films
Z Qiao, D Mergel
Thin Solid Films 484 (1-2), 146-153, 2005
Density and refractive index of thin evaporated films
D Mergel, M Jerman
Chinese Optics Letters 8 (s1), 67-72, 2010
Construction of language models for spoken database queries
D Mergel, A Paeseler
ICASSP'87. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal …, 1987
Method of and apparatus for determining start-point and end-point of isolated utterances in a speech signal
D Mergel, H Ney, HH Tomaschewski
US Patent 4,945,566, 1990
Thickness dependence of the growth of magnetron-sputtered TiO2 films studied by Raman and optical transmittance spectroscopy
SK Mukherjee, D Mergel
Journal of Applied Physics 114 (1), 2013
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مقالات 1–20