Sander Mann
Sander Mann
Assistant professor, University of Amsterdam
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على uva.nl - الصفحة الرئيسية
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Indirect to direct bandgap transition in methylammonium lead halide perovskite
T Wang, B Daiber, JM Frost, SA Mann, EC Garnett, A Walsh, B Ehrler
Energy & Environmental Science 10 (2), 509-515, 2017
Exceptional points and non-Hermitian photonics at the nanoscale
A Li, H Wei, M Cotrufo, W Chen, S Mann, X Ni, B Xu, J Chen, J Wang, ...
Nature Nanotechnology 18 (7), 706-720, 2023
A monolithic immersion metalens for imaging solid-state quantum emitters
TY Huang, RR Grote, SA Mann, DA Hopper, AL Exarhos, GG Lopez, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 2392, 2019
Thermal metasurfaces: complete emission control by combining local and nonlocal light-matter interactions
AC Overvig, SA Mann, A Alù
Physical Review X 11 (2), 021050, 2021
The energy payback time of advanced crystalline silicon PV modules in 2020: a prospective study
SA Mann, MJ de Wild‐Scholten, VM Fthenakis, WG van Sark, WC Sinke
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 22 (11), 1180-1194, 2014
Extreme light absorption in thin semiconductor films wrapped around metal nanowires
SA Mann, EC Garnett
Nano letters 13 (7), 3173-3178, 2013
Direct imaging of hybridized eigenmodes in coupled silicon nanoparticles
J van de Groep, T Coenen, SA Mann, A Polman
Optica 3 (1), 93-99, 2016
Boosting solar cell photovoltage via nanophotonic engineering
Y Cui, D Van Dam, SA Mann, NJJ Van Hoof, PJ Van Veldhoven, ...
Nano letters 16 (10), 6467-6471, 2016
Dielectric particle and void resonators for thin film solar cell textures
SA Mann, RR Grote, RM Osgood Jr, JA Schuller
Optics express 19 (25), 25729-25740, 2011
Nonreciprocal cavities and the time–bandwidth limit
SA Mann, DL Sounas, A Alu
Optica 6 (1), 104-110, 2019
Opportunities and limitations for nanophotonic structures to exceed the Shockley–Queisser limit
SA Mann, RR Grote, RM Osgood Jr, A Alu, EC Garnett
ACS nano 10 (9), 8620-8631, 2016
Quantifying losses and thermodynamic limits in nanophotonic solar cells
SA Mann, SZ Oener, A Cavalli, JEM Haverkort, EPAM Bakkers, ...
Nature Nanotechnology 11 (12), 1071-1075, 2016
Resonant nanophotonic spectrum splitting for ultrathin multijunction solar cells
SA Mann, EC Garnett
Acs Photonics 2 (7), 816-821, 2015
Ultrafast optical switching and power limiting in intersubband polaritonic metasurfaces
SA Mann, N Nookala, SC Johnson, M Cotrufo, A Mekawy, JF Klem, ...
Optica 8 (5), 606-613, 2021
Nonlinearity-induced nonreciprocity—Part I
M Cotrufo, SA Mann, H Moussa, A Alù
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 69 (8), 3569-3583, 2021
Limitations of sensing at an exceptional point
R Duggan, SA Mann, A Alu
ACS Photonics 9 (5), 1554-1566, 2022
Perovskite nanowire extrusion
SZ Oener, P Khoram, S Brittman, SA Mann, Q Zhang, Z Fan, SW Boettcher, ...
Nano Letters 17 (11), 6557-6563, 2017
Integrating sphere microscopy for direct absorption measurements of single nanostructures
SA Mann, B Sciacca, Y Zhang, J Wang, E Kontoleta, H Liu, EC Garnett
ACS nano 11 (2), 1412-1418, 2017
Nanoscale spatial coherent control over the modal excitation of a coupled plasmonic resonator system
T Coenen, DT Schoen, SA Mann, SRK Rodriguez, BJM Brenny, A Polman, ...
Nano Letters 15 (11), 7666-7670, 2015
Solution-phase epitaxial growth of quasi-monocrystalline cuprous oxide on metal nanowires
B Sciacca, SA Mann, FD Tichelaar, HW Zandbergen, MA Van Huis, ...
Nano letters 14 (10), 5891-5898, 2014
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مقالات 1–20