Jeremy R. deWaard
Jeremy R. deWaard
Department of Entomology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Biological identifications through DNA barcodes
PDN Hebert, A Cywinska, SL Ball, JR deWaard
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences 270 (1512 …, 2003
Barcoding animal life: cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 divergences among closely related species
PDN Hebert, S Ratnasingham, JR deWaard
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences 270 (Suppl …, 2003
An inexpensive, automation‐friendly protocol for recovering high‐quality DNA
NV Ivanova, JR deWaard, PDN Hebert
Molecular Ecology Notes 6 (4), 998-1002, 2006
Critical factors for assembling a high volume of DNA barcodes
M Hajibabaei, JR deWaard, NV Ivanova, S Ratnasingham, RT Dooh, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 360 …, 2005
Biological identifications through DNA barcodes: the case of the Crustacea
FO Costa, JR deWaard, J Boutillier, S Ratnasingham, RT Dooh, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 64 (2), 272-295, 2007
Prospects for fungus identification using CO1 DNA barcodes, with Penicillium as a test case
KA Seifert, RA Samson, JR deWaard, J Houbraken, CA Lévesque, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (10), 3901-3906, 2007
Assembling DNA barcodes. Analytical protocols.
JR deWaard, NV Ivanova, M Hajibabaei, PD Hebert
Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, NJ) 410, 275-293, 2007
Counting animal species with DNA barcodes: Canadian insects
PDN Hebert, S Ratnasingham, EV Zakharov, AC Telfer, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 371 …, 2016
DNA barcodes for 1/1000 of the animal kingdom
PDN Hebert, JR deWaard, JF Landry
Biology letters, rsbl20090848, 2009
A DNA ‘Barcode Blitz’: Rapid digitization and sequencing of a natural history collection
PDN Hebert, JR Dewaard, EV Zakharov, SWJ Prosser, JE Sones, ...
PloS one 8 (7), e68535, 2013
A Sequel to Sanger: Amplicon sequencing that scales.
PDN Hebert, TWA Braukmann, SWJ Prosser, S Ratnasingham, ...
BMC Genomics 19, 219, 2018
Metabarcoding a Diverse Arthropod Mock Community
TWA Braukmann, NV Ivanova, SWJ Prosser, V Elbrecht, D Steinke, ...
Molecular ecology resources 19, 711-727, 2019
DNA barcodes from century‐old type specimens using next‐generation sequencing
SWJ Prosser, JR Dewaard, SE Miller, PDN Hebert
Molecular ecology resources 16 (2), 487-497, 2016
Untangling taxonomy: a DNA barcode reference library for C anadian spiders
GA Blagoev, JR Dewaard, S Ratnasingham, SL Dewaard, L Lu, ...
Molecular Ecology Resources 16 (1), 325-341, 2016
Allopatry as a Gordian knot for taxonomists: Patterns of DNA barcode divergence in arctic-alpine Lepidoptera
M Mutanen, A Hausmann, PDN Hebert, JF Landry, JR deWaard, ...
Biodiversity inventories in high gear: DNA barcoding facilitates a rapid biotic survey of a temperate nature reserve
AC Telfer, MR Young, J Quinn, K Perez, CN Sobel, JE Sones, ...
Biodiversity data journal, e6313, 2015
A transcontinental challenge—a test of DNA barcode performance for 1,541 species of Canadian Noctuoidea (Lepidoptera)
R Zahiri, JD Lafontaine, BC Schmidt, JR Dewaard, EV Zakharov, ...
PloS one 9 (3), e92797, 2014
A reference library for Canadian invertebrates with 1.5 million barcodes, voucher specimens, and DNA samples.
JR deWaard, S Ratnasingham, E Zakharov, A Borisenko, D Steinke, ...
Scientific Data 6, 308, 2019
Common goals: policy implications of DNA barcoding as a protocol for identification of arthropod pests
R Floyd, J Lima, JR deWaard, L Humble, R Hanner
Biological Invasions 12 (9), 2947-2954, 2010
The Trichoptera barcode initiative: strategies for integrative taxonomy and generating a species-level tree of life
X Zhou, PB Frandsen, RW Holzenthal, CR Beet, KR Bennett, RJ Blahnik, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 371 …, 2016
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مقالات 1–20