Tabetha Boyajian
Tabetha Boyajian
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
How to constrain your M dwarf: measuring effective temperature, bolometric luminosity, mass, and radius
AW Mann, GA Feiden, E Gaidos, T Boyajian, K Von Braun
The Astrophysical Journal 804 (1), 64, 2015
Kepler eclipsing binary stars. VII. The catalog of eclipsing binaries found in the entire Kepler data set
B Kirk, K Conroy, A Prša, M Abdul-Masih, A Kochoska, G MatijeviČ, ...
The Astronomical Journal 151 (3), 68, 2016
Planet Hunters IX. KIC 8462852–where's the flux?
TS Boyajian, DM LaCourse, SA Rappaport, D Fabrycky, DA Fischer, ...
Monthly notices of the royal astronomical society 457 (4), 3988-4004, 2016
Planetary candidates observed by Kepler. VII. The first fully uniform catalog based on the entire 48-month data set (Q1–Q17 DR24)
JL Coughlin, F Mullally, SE Thompson, JF Rowe, CJ Burke, DW Latham, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 224 (1), 12, 2016
Stellar diameters and temperatures. III. Main-sequence A, F, G, and K stars: additional high-precision measurements and empirical relations
TS Boyajian, K Von Braun, G Van Belle, C Farrington, G Schaefer, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 771 (1), 40, 2013
Stellar diameters and temperatures. I. Main-sequence A, F, and G stars
TS Boyajian, HA McAlister, G Van Belle, DR Gies, TA Ten Brummelaar, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 746 (1), 101, 2012
The Orbits of the γ-Ray Binaries LS I+ 61 303 and LS 5039
C Aragona, MV McSwain, ED Grundstrom, AN Marsh, RM Roettenbacher, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 698 (1), 514, 2009
Characterizing the cool KOIs. II. The M dwarf KOI-254 and its hot Jupiter
JA Johnson, JZ Gazak, K Apps, PS Muirhead, JR Crepp, ...
The Astronomical Journal 143 (5), 111, 2012
Interferometric radii of bright Kepler stars with the CHARA Array: θ Cygni and 16 Cygni A and B
TR White, D Huber, V Maestro, TR Bedding, MJ Ireland, F Baron, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 433 (2), 1262-1270, 2013
Stellar diameters and temperatures–V. 11 newly characterized exoplanet host stars
K Von Braun, TS Boyajian, GT van Belle, SR Kane, J Jones, C Farrington, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 438 (3), 2413-2425, 2014
Young “dipper” stars in Upper Sco and Oph observed by K2
M Ansdell, E Gaidos, SA Rappaport, TL Jacobs, DM LaCourse, KJ Jek, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 816 (2), 69, 2016
Stellar diameters and temperatures. IV. predicting stellar angular diameters
TS Boyajian, G Van Belle, K Von Braun
The Astronomical Journal 147 (3), 47, 2014
Stellar diameters and temperatures–VI. High angular resolution measurements of the transiting exoplanet host stars HD 189733 and HD 209458 and implications for models of cool …
T Boyajian, K von Braun, GA Feiden, D Huber, S Basu, P Demarque, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 447 (1), 846-857, 2015
The yale–potsdam stellar isochrones
F Spada, P Demarque, YC Kim, TS Boyajian, JM Brewer
The Astrophysical Journal 838 (2), 161, 2017
The GJ 436 system: directly determined astrophysical parameters of an M dwarf and implications for the transiting hot Neptune
K Von Braun, TS Boyajian, SR Kane, L Hebb, GT Van Belle, C Farrington, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 753 (2), 171, 2012
The dynamical mass and three-dimensional orbit of HR7672B: a benchmark Brown Dwarf with high eccentricity
JR Crepp, JA Johnson, DA Fischer, AW HOwARD, GW Marcy, JT Wright, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 751 (2), 97, 2012
The NASA-UC-UH ETA-earth program. IV. A low-mass planet orbiting an M dwarf 3.6 PC from earth
AW Howard, GW Marcy, DA Fischer, H Isaacson, PS Muirhead, GW Henry, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 794 (1), 51, 2014
The CHARA array angular diameter of HR 8799 favors planetary masses for its imaged companions
EK Baines, RJ White, D Huber, J Jones, T Boyajian, HA McAlister, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 761 (1), 57, 2012
The first circumbinary planet found by microlensing: OGLE-2007-BLG-349L (AB) c
DP Bennett, SH Rhie, A Udalski, A Gould, Y Tsapras, D Kubas, IA Bond, ...
The Astronomical Journal 152 (5), 125, 2016
Astrophysical parameters and habitable zone of the exoplanet hosting star GJ 581
K Von Braun, TS Boyajian, SR Kane, GT Van Belle, DR Ciardi, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 729 (2), L26, 2011
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مقالات 1–20