Georg Seyboth
Georg Seyboth
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Event-based broadcasting for multi-agent average consensus
GS Seyboth, DV Dimarogonas, KH Johansson
Automatica 49 (1), 245–252, 2012
Cooperative control of linear multi-agent systems via distributed output regulation and transient synchronization
GS Seyboth, W Ren, F Allgöwer
Automatica 68, 132-139, 2016
On Robust Synchronization of Heterogeneous Linear Multi-Agent Systems with Static Couplings
GS Seyboth, DV Dimarogonas, KH Johansson, P Frasca, F Allgöwer
Automatica 53, 392-399, 2015
Collective Circular Motion of Unicycle Type Vehicles with Non-identical Constant Velocities
GS Seyboth, J Wu, J Qin, C Yu, F Allgöwer
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 1 (2), 167-176, 2014
Circular formation control of multiple unicycle-type agents with nonidentical constant speeds
Z Sun, HG De Marina, GS Seyboth, BDO Anderson, C Yu
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 27 (1), 192-205, 2018
Control of multi-agent systems via event-based communication
GS Seyboth, DV Dimarogonas, KH Johansson
18th IFAC World Congress, 10086-10091, 2011
Cooperative control of linear parameter-varying systems
GS Seyboth, GS Schmidt, F Allgöwer
2012 American control conference (ACC), 2407-2412, 2012
Output Synchronization of Linear Multi-Agent Systems under Constant Disturbances via Distributed Integral Action
GS Seyboth, F Allgöwer
American Control Conference, 62-67, 2015
On the Necessity of Diffusive Couplings in Linear Synchronization Problems with Quadratic Cost
JM Montenbruck, GS Schmidt, GS Seyboth, F Allgöwer
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2015
Event-based control for multi-agent systems
GS Seyboth
Master’s thesis, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), 2010
Output synchronization of linear parameter-varying systems via dynamic couplings.
GS Seyboth, GS Schmidt, F Allgöwer
51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 5128-5133, 2012
Synchronized model matching: a novel approach to cooperative control of nonlinear multi-agent systems
GS Seyboth, F Allgöwer
19th IFAC World Congress, 1985-1990, 2014
On distributed and cooperative control design for networks of dynamical systems
G Seyboth
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH, 2016
Collective control of multiple unicycle agents with non-identical constant speeds: Tracking control and performance limitation
Z Sun, GS Seyboth, BDO Anderson
2015 IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA), 1361-1366, 2015
Static Diffusive Couplings in Heterogeneous Linear Networks
GS Seyboth, DV Dimarogonas, KH Johansson, F Allgöwer
3rd IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems …, 2012
Clock Synchronization over Directed Graphs
GS Seyboth, F Allgöwer
52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 6105 - 6111, 2013
Exact convex formulations of network-oriented optimal operator placement.
BW Carabelli, A Benzing, F Dürr, B Koldehofe, K Rothermel, GS Seyboth, ...
51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 3777-3782, 2012
Individual pitch control with tower side-to-side damping
F Heß, GS Seyboth
Proceedings of the Deutsche Windenergie Konferenz (DEWEK), 2010
Practical and Robust Synchronization of Systems with Additive Linear Uncertainties
JM Montenbruck, GS Seyboth, F Allgöwer
9th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, 2013
Collective formation control of multiple constant-speed UAVs with limited interactions
BDO Anderson, Z Sun, GS Seyboth, C Yu
Emerging Applications of Control and Systems Theory: A Festschrift in Honor …, 2018
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مقالات 1–20