Sharon D. Matthews
Sharon D. Matthews
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A virtual coaching model of professional development to increase teachers' digital learning competencies
WK Zimmer, SD Matthews
Teaching and Teacher Education 109, 103544, 2022
The impact of visual displays on learning across the disciplines: A systematic review
D Guo, EM McTigue, SD Matthews, W Zimmer
Educational Psychology Review 32 (3), 627-656, 2020
Transacting with characters: Teaching children perspective taking with authentic literature
TS Hodges, E McTigue, KL Wright, AD Franks, SD Matthews
Journal of Research in Childhood Education 32 (3), 343-362, 2018
Developing and examining validity evidence for the Writing Rubric to Inform Teacher Educators (WRITE)
TS Hodges, KL Wright, SA Wind, SD Matthews, WK Zimmer, E McTigue
Assessing Writing 40, 1-13, 2019
Picture books aren’t just for kids! Modeling text structures through nonfiction mentor books
T Hodges, S Matthews
Voices from the Middle 24 (4), 74-79, 2017
Using children’s literature to teach the 4Cs of CLIL: A systematic review of EFL studies
KM Graham, SD Matthews, ZR Eslami
Latin American Journal of Content & Language Integrated Learning 13 (2), 163 …, 2020
Teacher candidates’ developing beliefs about diversity and its role in effective literacy teaching
MN Kwok, AR Rios, A Kwok, SD Matthews
Education and Urban Society 53 (8), 886-908, 2021
Translanguaging during shared read alouds: A case study
SM Moody, SD Matthews, ZR Eslami
Literacy Research and Instruction 61 (2), 113-136, 2022
Pathways to Becoming a Culturally Responsive Teacher: Narrative Inquiries into a Translanguaging Read Aloud
SM Moody, SD Matthews
Journal of Curriculum Studies Research 2 (2), 170-188, 2020
Critical analysis of research on the impact of visual literacy for learning: strengths, weaknesses and recommendations for improvement
D Guo, W Zimmer, SD Matthews, EM McTigue
Journal of Visual Literacy 38 (3), 181-198, 2019
Digital literacies and text structure instruction: Benefits, new language demands, and changes to pedagogy
TS Hodges, SD Matthews
Handbook of research on integrating digital technology with literacy …, 2020
Bridging the gap: The use of translanguaging in shared readings
SM Moody, SD Matthews, ZR Eslami
Handbook of research on cultivating literacy in diverse and multilingual …, 2020
Developing pre-service teachers' critical thinking and assessment skills with reflective writing
TS Hodges, CE Scott, EK Washburn, SD Matthews, C Gould
Handbook of research on critical thinking strategies in pre-service learning …, 2019
Reading without words: Cultivating bi/multilingual family engagement
SM Moody, SD Matthews
The Reading Teacher 76 (2), 122-130, 2022
Who gets to play? How and why reading researchers were left out of the No Child Left Behind Act
S Matthews
Marketing fear in America's public schools: The real war on literacy, 51, 2005
More being, different doing: Illuminating examples of culturally relevant literacy teaching
A Rios, SD Matthews, S Zentell, A Kogut
Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 67 (5), 283-293, 2024
Dismantling Barbieland: Dissonant Perspectives and Challenging Narratives
S Zentell, S Matthews, CE Katz
In a Barbie World, 115-128, 2025
Reimagining Online Teacher Education: A Collaborative Autoethnography.
SM Moody, E Holtz, SD Matthews
Teacher Educators' Journal 15 (2), 53-72, 2022
" Flipping" the Conversation: Student Agency, Engagement, and Community Building using FlipGrid
A Rios, R Viruru, S Matthews, S Fields
Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International …, 2021
Digital Literacies and Text Structure Instruction
TS Hodges, SD Matthews
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مقالات 1–20