Jongwon Jung
Jongwon Jung
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على chungbuk.ac.kr
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Physical properties of hydrate‐bearing sediments
WF Waite, JC Santamarina, DD Cortes, B Dugan, DN Espinoza, ...
Reviews of geophysics 47 (4), 2009
Supercritical CO2 and Ionic Strength Effects on Wettability of Silica Surfaces: Equilibrium Contact Angle Measurements
JW Jung, J Wan
Energy & Fuels, 2012
Properties and phenomena relevant to CH4‐CO2 replacement in hydrate‐bearing sediments
JW Jung, DN Espinoza, JC Santamarina
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 115 (B10), 2010
Gas production from hydrate-bearing sediments: The role of fine particles
JW Jung, J Jang, JC Santamarina, C Tsouris, TJ Phelps, CJ Rawn
Energy & fuels 26 (1), 480-487, 2012
Stress‐strain response of hydrate‐bearing sands: Numerical study using discrete element method simulations
JW Jung, JC Santamarina, K Soga
Journal of geophysical research: solid earth 117 (B4), 2012
Hydrate adhesive and tensile strengths
JW Jung, JC Santamarina
Geochemistry, geophysics, geosystems 12 (8), 2011
Supercritical CO2 and brine displacement in geological carbon sequestration: Micromodel and pore network simulation studies
SC Cao, S Dai, J Jung
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 44, 104-114, 2016
Capillary pressure and saturation relations for supercritical CO2 and brine in sand: High‐pressure Pc(Sw) controller/meter measurements and capillary scaling …
TK Tokunaga, J Wan, JW Jung, TW Kim, Y Kim, W Dong
Water Resources Research 49 (8), 4566-4579, 2013
Engineering behavior and characteristics of wood ash and sugarcane bagasse ash
F Grau, H Choo, JW Hu, J Jung
Materials 8 (10), 6962-6977, 2015
2D micromodel study of clogging behavior of fine-grained particles associated with gas hydrate production in NGHP-02 gas hydrate reservoir sediments
SC Cao, J Jang, J Jung, WF Waite, TS Collett, P Kumar
Marine and petroleum geology 108, 714-730, 2019
A microfluidic pore model to study the migration of fine particles in single-phase and multi-phase flows in porous media
J Jung, SC Cao, YH Shin, RI Al-Raoush, K Alshibli, JW Choi
Microsystem Technologies 24, 1071-1080, 2018
Sustainable development and energy geotechnology—Potential roles for geotechnical engineering
RJ Fragaszy, JC Santamarina, A Amekudzi, D Assimaki, R Bachus, ...
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 15 (4), 611-621, 2011
CH4‐CO2 replacement in hydrate‐bearing sediments: A pore‐scale study
JW Jung, JC Santamarina
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 11 (12), 2010
Hydrate formation and growth in pores
JW Jung, JC Santamarina
Journal of Crystal Growth 345 (1), 61-68, 2012
Geological CO2 sequestration in saline aquifers: Implication on potential solutions of China’s power sector
M Jafari, SC Cao, J Jung
Resources, conservation and recycling 121, 137-155, 2017
Characterization of a polyacrylamide solution used for remediation of petroleum contaminated soils
J Jung, J Jang, J Ahn
Materials 9 (1), 16, 2016
On the soil water characteristic curves of poorly graded granular materials in aqueous polymer solutions
J Cao, J Jung, X Song, B Bate
Acta Geotechnica 13, 103-116, 2018
Fines migration and pore clogging induced by single-and two-phase fluid flows in porous media: From the perspectives of particle detachment and particle-level forces
G Han, TH Kwon, JY Lee, J Jung
Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment 23, 100131, 2020
Comprehensive literature review on CH4-CO2 replacement in microscale porous media
S Merey, RI Al-Raoush, J Jung, KA Alshibli
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 171, 48-62, 2018
Engineering behavior and characteristics of water-soluble polymers: Implication on soil remediation and enhanced oil recovery
SC Cao, B Bate, JW Hu, J Jung
Sustainability 8 (3), 205, 2016
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مقالات 1–20