Alan Dearle
Alan Dearle
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على st-andrews.ac.uk
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Software deployment, past, present and future
A Dearle
Future of Software Engineering (FOSE'07), 269-284, 2007
The Napier88 reference manual
R Morrison, AL Brown, RCH Connor, A Dearle
University of St Andrews Technical Report PPRR-77-89, 1989
Grasshopper: An orthogonally persistent operating system
A Dearle, R Di Bona, J Farrow, F Henskens, A Lindström, J Rosenberg, ...
Computing Systems 7 (3), 289-312, 1994
Self-managed distributed mediation networks
D Johnston-Watt, A Heneveld, R Connor, A Dearle
US Patent 8,266,321, 2012
An ad hoc approach to the implementation of polymorphism
R Morrison, A Dearle, RCH Connor, AL Brown
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) 13 (3), 342-371, 1991
An approach to ad hoc cloud computing
G Kirby, A Dearle, A Macdonald, A Fernandes
arXiv preprint arXiv:1002.4738, 2010
A framework for constraint-based development and autonomic management of distributed applications
A Dearle, GNC Kirby, AJ McCarthy
International Conference on Autonomic Computing, 2004. Proceedings., 300-301, 2004
Toward ubiquitous environments for mobile users
A Dearle
IEEE Internet Computing 2 (1), 22-32, 1998
Persistent hyper-programs
GNC Kirby, RCH Connor, QI Cutts, R Morrison, A Dearle, AM Farkas
Persistent Object Systems: Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop …, 1993
Napier88—a database programming language?
A Dearle, R Connor, F Brown, R Morrison
Proceedings of the second international Workshop on Database Programming …, 1989
Napier88 reference manual (Release 2.2. 1)
R Morrison, AL Brown, RCH Connor, QI Cutts, A Dearle, GNC Kirby, ...
University of St Andrews, 1996
Operating system support for persistent and recoverable computations
J Rosenberg, A Dearle, D Hulse, A Lindström, S Norris
Communications of the ACM 39 (9), 62-69, 1996
Safe browsing in a strongly typed persistent environment
A Dearle, AL Brown
The Computer Journal 31 (6), 540-544, 1988
Architectural support for global smart spaces
A Dearle, G Kirby, R Morrison, A McCarthy, K Mullen, Y Yang, R Connor, ...
International Conference on Mobile Data Management, 153-164, 2002
Environments: A flexible binding mechanism to support system evolution
A Dearle
Proc. 22nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2, 46-55, 1989
The Napier88 persistent programming language and environment
R Morrison, R Connor, G Kirby, D Munro, MP Atkinson, Q Cutts, F Brown, ...
Fully Integrated Data Environments: Persistent Programming Languages, Object …, 2000
An examination of operating system support for persistent object systems
A Dearle, J Rosenberg, FA Henskens, F Vaughan, KJ Maciunas
Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Hawaii International Conference on System …, 1992
Cache coherence and storage management in a persistent object system
B Koch, T Schunke, A Dearle, F Vaughan, C Marlin, R Fazakerley, ...
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Persistent Object Systems …, 1990
The Napier Type System.
R Morrison, AL Brown, R Carrick, RCH Connor, A Dearle, MP Atkinson
POS, 3-18, 1989
Constructing database systems in a persistent environment
R Cooper, MP Atkinson, A Dearle, D Abderrahmane
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases …, 1987
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مقالات 1–20