Antoine Falaize
Antoine Falaize
LaSIE - UMR 7356 - CNRS, La Rochelle Université
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Passive Guaranteed Simulation of Analog Audio Circuits: A Port-Hamiltonian Approach
A Falaize, T Hélie
Applied Sciences 6 (10), 273, 2016
Simulation of an analog circuit of a wah pedal: a port-Hamiltonian approach
A Falaize-Skrzek, T Hélie
Audio Engineering Society Convention 135, 2013
Explicit second-order accurate method for the passive guaranteed simulation of port-Hamiltonian systems
N Lopes, T Hélie, A Falaize
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (13), 223-228, 2015
Passive simulation of the nonlinear port-Hamiltonian modeling of a Rhodes Piano
A Falaize, T Hélie
Journal of Sound and Vibration 390, 289-309, 2017
Modélisation, simulation, génération de code et correction de systèmes multi-physiques audios: Approche par réseau de composants et formulation Hamiltonienne À Ports
A Falaize
Université Pierre & Marie Curie-Paris 6, 2016
Generalization of the Neville–Aitken interpolation algorithm on Grassmann manifolds: Applications to reduced order model
R Mosquera, A El Hamidi, A Hamdouni, A Falaize
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 93 (7), 2421-2442, 2021
Passive modelling of the electrodynamic loudspeaker: from the Thiele–Small model to nonlinear port-Hamiltonian systems
A Falaize, T Hélie
Acta Acustica 4 (1), 1, 2020
Energy-balanced models for acoustic and audio systems: a port-Hamiltonian approach
A Falaize, N Lopes, T Hélie, D Matignon, B Maschke
Unfold Mechanics for Sound and Music 14, 2014
Guaranteed-passive simulation of an electro-mechanical piano: A port-Hamiltonian approach
A Falaize, T Hélie
18th Int. Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-15), Trondheim, Norway …, 2015
Does inharmonicity improve an NMF-based piano transcription model?
F Rigaud, A Falaize, B David, L Daudet
2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2013
POD-based reduced order model for flows induced by rigid bodies in forced rotation
A Falaize, E Liberge, A Hamdouni
Journal of Fluids and Structures 91, 102593, 2019
Systèmes Hamiltoniens à Ports avec approche par composants pour la simulation à passivité garantie de problèmes conservatifs et dissipatifs
T Hélie, A Falaize, N Lopes
Colloque National en Calcul des Structures 12, 2015
Passive simulation of electrodynamic loudspeakers for guitar amplifiers: a port-Hamiltonian approach
A Falaize, T Hélie
International Symposium on Musical Acoustics, 1-5, 2014
Compensation of loudspeaker's nonlinearities based on flatness and port-Hamiltonian approach
A Falaize, N Papazoglou, T Hélie, N Lopes
Congrès Français de Mécanique, Lyon, 24--28 aout 2015 (CFM2015), 2015
Linéarisation par asservissement d’un haut-parleur électrodynamique: approche par les Systèmes Hamiltoniens à Ports
N PAPAZOGLOU, T Hélie, A Falaize
Memoire De Fin D Etude M2R SAR Parcout ATIAM, 1-52, 2014
PyPHS: Passive modeling and simulation in python
A Falaize, T Hélie
Learning port-Hamiltonian Systems—Algorithms
V Salnikov, A Falaize, D Lozienko
Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 63 (1), 126-134, 2023
A Falaize, T Hélie
A generic passive-guaranteed structure for elastoplatic friction models
A Falaize, D Roze
Second International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (NODYCON21), 2021
Modélisation d’un haut parleur électro-dynamique: approche dans le cadre des Systemes à Hamitoniens à Ports
A Falaize, T Helie
Proceedings of 12e Congrès Français d'Acoustique 2014, 2014
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20