Matt DeLisi
Matt DeLisi
Distinguished Professor and Endowed Dean's Professor, Iowa State University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
New frontiers in criminal careers research, 2000–2011: A state-of-the-art review
M DeLisi, AR Piquero
Journal of criminal justice 39 (4), 289-301, 2011
Delinquency in society
RM Regoli, JD Hewitt, M DeLisi
Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2016
Career criminals in society
M DeLisi
Sage Publications, 2005
Psychopathy is the unified theory of crime
M DeLisi
Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice 7 (3), 256-273, 2009
Foundation for a temperament-based theory of antisocial behavior and criminal justice system involvement
M DeLisi, MG Vaughn
Journal of Criminal Justice 42 (1), 10-25, 2014
Violence and externalizing behavior among youth in the United States: Is there a severe 5%?
MG Vaughn, CP Salas-Wright, M DeLisi, BR Maynard
Youth violence and juvenile justice 12 (1), 3-21, 2014
Self-control behind bars: A validation study of the Grasmick et al. scale
M Delisi, A Hochstetler, DS Murphy
Justice Quarterly 20 (2), 241-263, 2003
Murder by numbers: Monetary costs imposed by a sample of homicide offenders
M DeLisi, A Kosloski, M Sween, E Hachmeister, M Moore, A Drury
The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology 21 (4), 501-513, 2010
Gang members, career criminals and prison violence: Further specification of the importation model of inmate behavior
M DeLisi, MT Berg, A Hochstetler
Criminal Justice Studies 17 (4), 369-383, 2004
The severe 5%: A latent class analysis of the externalizing behavior spectrum in the United States
MG Vaughn, M DeLisi, T Gunter, Q Fu, KM Beaver, BE Perron, ...
Journal of criminal justice 39 (1), 75-80, 2011
Self-control as an executive function: Reformulating Gottfredson and Hirschi's parental socialization thesis
KM Beaver, JP Wright, M DeLisi
Criminal Justice and Behavior 34 (10), 1345-1361, 2007
The correctional melting pot: Race, ethnicity, citizenship, and prison violence
MT Berg, M DeLisi
Journal of Criminal Justice 34 (6), 631-642, 2006
Importation, deprivation, and varieties of serving time: An integrated-lifestyle-exposure model of prison offending
A Hochstetler, M DeLisi
Journal of criminal justice 33 (3), 257-266, 2005
Violent video games, delinquency, and youth violence: New evidence
M DeLisi, MG Vaughn, DA Gentile, CA Anderson, JJ Shook
Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice 11 (2), 132-142, 2013
A gene× gene interaction between DRD2 and DRD4 is associated with conduct disorder and antisocial behavior in males
KM Beaver, JP Wright, M DeLisi, A Walsh, MG Vaughn, D Boisvert, ...
Behavioral and brain functions 3, 1-8, 2007
Psychopathic personality traits and delinquent careers: An empirical examination
MG Vaughn, MO Howard, M DeLisi
International journal of law and psychiatry 31 (5), 407-416, 2008
The Gottfredson–Hirschi critiques revisited: Reconciling self-control theory, criminal careers, and career criminals
M DeLisi, MG Vaughn
International Journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology 52 (5 …, 2008
Genetic influences on the stability of low self-control: Results from a longitudinal sample of twins
KM Beaver, JP Wright, M DeLisi, MG Vaughn
Journal of criminal justice 36 (6), 478-485, 2008
Origins of Violent Behavior Over the Life
DP Farrington
The Cambridge handbook of violent behavior and aggression, 2007
Criminal careers behind bars
M DeLisi
Behavioral sciences & the law 21 (5), 653-669, 2003
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مقالات 1–20