Seon Jeong Kim
Seon Jeong Kim
Center for Bio-Artificial Muscle and Department of Biomedical Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Artificial muscles from fishing line and sewing thread
CS Haines, MD Lima, N Li, GM Spinks, J Foroughi, JDW Madden, SH Kim, ...
science 343 (6173), 868-872, 2014
Electrically, chemically, and photonically powered torsional and tensile actuation of hybrid carbon nanotube yarn muscles
MD Lima, N Li, MJ De Andrade, S Fang, J Oh, GM Spinks, ME Kozlov, ...
Science 338 (6109), 928-932, 2012
Torsional carbon nanotube artificial muscles
J Foroughi, GM Spinks, GG Wallace, J Oh, ME Kozlov, S Fang, ...
Science 334 (6055), 494-497, 2011
Ultrafast charge and discharge biscrolled yarn supercapacitors for textiles and microdevices
JA Lee, MK Shin, SH Kim, HU Cho, GM Spinks, GG Wallace, MD Lima, ...
Nature communications 4, 2013
Three-dimensionally bonded spongy graphene material with super compressive elasticity and near-zero Poisson’s ratio
Y Wu, N Yi, L Huang, T Zhang, S Fang, H Chang, N Li, J Oh, JA Lee, ...
Nature communications 6, 2015
Synergistic toughening of composite fibres by self-alignment of reduced graphene oxide and carbon nanotubes
MK Shin, B Lee, SH Kim, JA Lee, GM Spinks, S Gambhir, GG Wallace, ...
Nature communications 3, 650, 2012
Elastomeric conductive composites based on carbon nanotube forests
MK Shin, J Oh, M Lima, ME Kozlov, SJ Kim, RH Baughman
Advanced Materials 22 (24), 2663-2667, 2010
Synthesis and characteristics of interpenetrating polymer network hydrogel composed of chitosan and poly (acrylic acid)
JW Lee, SY Kim, SS Kim, YM Lee, KH Lee, SJ Kim
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 73 (1), 113-120, 1999
Flexible supercapacitor made of carbon nanotube yarn with internal pores
C Choi, JA Lee, AY Choi, YT Kim, X Lepró, MD Lima, RH Baughman, ...
Advanced Materials 26 (13), 2059-2065, 2014
Swelling behavior of interpenetrating polymer network hydrogels composed of poly (vinyl alcohol) and chitosan
SJ Kim, SJ Park, SI Kim
Reactive and Functional Polymers 55 (1), 53-59, 2003
Rapid temperature/pH response of porous alginate-g-poly (N-isopropylacrylamide) hydrogels
JH Kim, SB Lee, SJ Kim, YM Lee
Polymer 43 (26), 7549-7558, 2002
Hydrodynamic microfabrication via “on the fly” photopolymerization of microscale fibers and tubes
W Jeong, J Kim, S Kim, S Lee, G Mensing, DJ Beebe
Lab on a Chip 4 (6), 576-580, 2004
Stretchable, weavable coiled carbon nanotube/MnO2/polymer fiber solid-state supercapacitors
C Choi, SH Kim, HJ Sim, JA Lee, AY Choi, YT Kim, X Lepró, GM Spinks, ...
Scientific reports 5, 2015
pH/temperature‐responsive semi‐IPN hydrogels composed of alginate and poly (N‐isopropylacrylamide)
HK Ju, SY Kim, SJ Kim, YM Lee
Journal of applied polymer science 83 (5), 1128-1139, 2002
Thermo‐and pH‐responsive behaviors of graft copolymer and blend based on chitosan and N‐isopropylacrylamide
SY Kim, SM Cho, YM Lee, SJ Kim
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 78 (7), 1381-1391, 2000
Nanocomposite hydrogel with high toughness for bioactuators
MK Shin, GM Spinks, SR Shin, SI Kim, SJ Kim
Advanced Materials 21 (17), 1712-1715, 2009
High-power biofuel cell textiles from woven biscrolled carbon nanotube yarns
CH Kwon, SH Lee, YB Choi, JA Lee, SH Kim, HH Kim, GM Spinks, ...
Nature communications 5, 2014
Electrochemical actuation in chitosan/polyaniline microfibers for artificial muscles fabricated using an in situ polymerization
YA Ismail, SR Shin, KM Shin, SG Yoon, K Shon, SI Kim, SJ Kim
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 129 (2), 834-840, 2008
Suppression of transient receptor potential melastatin 7 channel induces cell death in gastric cancer
BJ Kim, EJ Park, JH Lee, JH Jeon, SJ Kim, I So
Cancer Science 99 (12), 2502-2509, 2008
Preparation and characteristics of β-chitin and poly (vinyl alcohol) blend
YM Lee, SH Kimt, SJ Kimt
Polymer 37 (26), 5897-5905, 1996
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مقالات 1–20