Nicole Sultanum
Nicole Sultanum
Tableau Research
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Leveraging text-chart links to support authoring of data-driven articles with vizflow
N Sultanum, F Chevalier, Z Bylinskii, Z Liu
Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2021
DataQuilt: Extracting visual elements from images to craft pictorial visualizations
JE Zhang, N Sultanum, A Bezerianos, F Chevalier
Proceedings of the 2020 chi conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2020
Doccurate: A Curation-Based Approach for Clinical Text Visualization
N Sultanum, D Singh, M Brudno, F Chevalier
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 25 (1), 142-151, 2018
More text please! understanding and supporting the use of visualization for clinical text overview
N Sultanum, M Brudno, D Wigdor, F Chevalier
Proceedings of the 2018 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2018
A importância de avaliar a usabilidade dos jogos: a experiência do Virtual Team
I Gurgel, RL Arcoverde, EWM Almeida, NB Sultanum, P Tedesco
Anais do SBGames, Recife, 2006
Datatales: Investigating the use of large language models for authoring data-driven articles
N Sultanum, A Srinivasan
2023 IEEE Visualization and Visual Analytics (VIS), 231-235, 2023
"Point it, split it, peel it, view it" techniques for interactive reservoir visualization on tabletops
N Sultanum, S Somanath, E Sharlin, MC Sousa
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and …, 2011
A cross-sectional study of nemaline myopathy
K Amburgey, M Acker, S Saeed, R Amin, AH Beggs, CG Bönnemann, ...
Neurology 96 (10), e1425-e1436, 2021
Apparatus and methods for co-located social integration and interactions
K Mantripragada, N Sultanum
US Patent App. 13/969,077, 2014
Understanding and supporting academic literature review workflows with litsense
N Sultanum, C Murad, D Wigdor
Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Advanced Visual …, 2020
User interface and system supporting user decision making and readjustments in computer-executable job allocations in the cloud
MAS Netto, NB Sultanum, RLF Cunha
US Patent 10,067,798, 2018
Contextual text adaptation
CH Cardonha, S Mazon, DLNC Pereira, NB Sultanum
US Patent 9,519,871, 2016
Touching the depths: introducing tabletop interaction to reservoir engineering
N Sultanum, E Sharlin, MC Sousa, DN Miranda-Filho, R Eastick
ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, 105-108, 2010
PhenoPad: building AI enabled note-taking interfaces for patient encounters
J Wang, J Yang, H Zhang, H Lu, M Skreta, M Husić, A Arbabi, N Sultanum, ...
NPJ digital medicine 5 (1), 12, 2022
System and method for tracking pollution
K Mantripragada, U Mello, RH Nemoto, NB Sultanum, LCV Real
US Patent 10,268,198, 2019
System and method for the identification of personal presence and for enrichment of metadata in image media
CH Cardonha, NB Sultanum
US Patent 9,798,742, 2017
Deciding when and how to move HPC jobs to the cloud
MAS Netto, RLF Cunha, N Sultanum
Computer 48 (11), 86-89, 2015
ChartWalk: Navigating large collections of text notes in electronic health records for clinical chart review
N Sultanum, F Naeem, M Brudno, F Chevalier
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 29 (1), 1244-1254, 2022
Non-subjective quality analysis of digital content on tabletop devices
FL Koch, NB Sultanum
US Patent 9,842,341, 2017
Personalized aggregator for organizing and publishing public and private content
CH Cardonha, RG Herrmann, MM Motta, NB Sultanum
US Patent 9,946,797, 2018
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20