Aude Maignan
Aude Maignan
Univ. Grenoble Alpes
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
From Simulink to SCADE/Lustre to TTA: a layered approach for distributed embedded applications
P Caspi, A Curic, A Maignan, C Sofronis, S Tripakis, P Niebert
ACM Sigplan Notices 38 (7), 153-162, 2003
Translating discrete-time Simulink to Lustre
P Caspi, A Curic, A Maignan, C Sofronis, S Tripakis
International Workshop on Embedded Software, 84-99, 2003
Fleshing out the generalized Lambert W function
A Maignan, TC Scott
ACM Communications in Computer Algebra 50 (2), 45-60, 2016
On the planar split thickness of graphs
D Eppstein, P Kindermann, S Kobourov, G Liotta, A Lubiw, A Maignan, ...
Algorithmica 80, 977-994, 2018
Hybrid computation
JD Dora, A Maignan, M Mirica-Ruse, S Yovine
Proceedings of the 2001 international symposium on Symbolic and algebraic …, 2001
Dynamic proofs of retrievability with low server storage
G Anthoine, JG Dumas, M de Jonghe, A Maignan, C Pernet, M Hanling, ...
30th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 21), 537-554, 2021
Solving one and two-dimensional exponential polynomial systems
A Maignan
Proceedings of the 1998 international symposium on Symbolic and algebraic …, 1998
On symbolic-numeric solving of sine-polynomial equations
A Maignan
journal of complexity 16 (1), 274-285, 2000
A class of discrete dynamical systems with properties of both cellular automata and L-systems
R Edwards, A Maignan
Natural Computing 19 (3), 609-641, 2020
Poster: Proofs of retrievability with low server storage
M Hanling, G Anthoine, JG Dumas, A Maignan, C Pernet, DS Roche
Proceedings of the 2019 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications …, 2019
Simulating aggregates of bivalents in 2n= 40 mouse meiotic spermatocytes through inhomogeneous site percolation processes
S Berríos, J López Fenner, A Maignan
Journal of Mathematical Biology 77 (5), 1341-1362, 2018
Parallel graph rewriting with overlapping rules
R Echahed, A Maignan
arXiv preprint arXiv:1701.06790, 2017
The electronic properties of graphene nanoribbons and the offset logarithm function
A Maignan, LP Reddy, S Jeevanandam, PC Deshmukh, K Roberts, ...
Materials Today: Proceedings 54, 7-13, 2022
Modélisation des systèmes dynamiques évolutifs
A Maignan
A comprehensive analysis of quantum clustering: finding all the potential minima
A Maignan, T Scott
International Journal of Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process 11, 33-54, 2021
DEM-systems: a new type of adaptive system
R Edwards, A Maignan
Exploratory papers of automata, 2016
Complex self-reproducing systems
R Edwards, A Maignan
ISCS 2013: Interdisciplinary Symposium on Complex Systems, 65-76, 2014
Communication optimal unbalanced private set union
JG Dumas, A Galan, B Grenet, A Maignan, DS Roche
GPaR: A Parallel Graph Rewriting Tool
S Despréaux, A Maignan
2018 20th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for …, 2018
On simultaneous transformations with overlapping graph rewrite systems
R Echahed, A Maignan
LPAR-21, 21th International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial …, 2017
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مقالات 1–20