Sandra Gomez de Saravia
Sandra Gomez de Saravia
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على fcnym.unlp.edu.ar
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The quality of air at archives and the biodeterioration of photographs
S Borrego, P Guiamet, SG de Saravia, P Batistini, M Garcia, P Lavin, ...
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 64 (2), 139-145, 2010
Biofouling and biodeterioration in materials stored at the Historical Archive of the Museum of La Plata, Argentine and at the National Archive of the Republic of Cuba
P Guiamet, S Borrego, P Lavin, I Perdomo, SG de Saravia
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 85 (2), 229-234, 2011
Determination of indoor air quality in archives and biodeterioration of the documentary heritage
S Borrego, P Lavin, I Perdomo, S Gómez de Saravia, P Guiamet
International Scholarly Research Notices 2012 (1), 680598, 2012
Essential oils of plants as biocides against microorganisms isolated from Cuban and Argentine documentary heritage
S Borrego, O Valdés, I Vivar, P Lavin, P Guiamet, P Battistoni, ...
International Scholarly Research Notices 2012 (1), 826786, 2012
Influence of the nano-micro structure of the surface on bacterial adhesion
C Díaz, MC Cortizo, PL Schilardi, SGG Saravia, MAFL Mele
Materials Research 10, 11-14, 2007
Biodeterioration of Mayan archaeological sites in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
HA Videla, PS Guiamet, SG de Saravia
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 46 (4), 335-341, 2000
Biodeterioration of peridotite and other constructional materials in a building of the Colombian cultural heritage
LK Herrera, C Arroyave, P Guiamet, SG de Saravia, H Videla
International biodeterioration & biodegradation 54 (2-3), 135-141, 2004
Laboratory studies of biocorrosion control using traditional and environmentally friendly biocides: an overview
PS Guiamet, SG Gómez de Saravia
Latin American applied research 35 (4), 295-300, 2005
Scopulariopsis sp. and Fusarium sp. in the Documentary Heritage: Evaluation of Their Biodeterioration Ability and Antifungal Effect of Two Essential Oils
P Lavin, SG de Saravia, P Guiamet
Microbial ecology 71, 628-633, 2016
Biodeterioration of Mayan buildings at uxmal and tulum, Mexico
PM Gaylarde, CC Gaylarde, PS Guiamet, SGG De Saravia, HA Videla
Taylor & Francis Group 17 (1), 41-45, 2001
An environmental assessment of biodeterioration in document repositories
P Lavin, SG Gómez de Saravia, PS Guiamet
Biofouling 30 (5), 561-569, 2014
The antimicrobial activity of an aqueous extract of Brassica negra
SGG de Saravia, CC Gaylarde
International biodeterioration & biodegradation 41 (2), 145-148, 1998
Natural products isolated from plants used in biodeterioration control
PS Guiamet, SG Gómez de Saravia, P Arenas, ML Pérez, J De la Paz, ...
Pharmacologyonline 3, 537-544, 2006
Biodeterioration of funeral sculptures in La Recoleta Cemetery, Buenos Aires, Argentina: Pre-and post-intervention studies
P Guiamet, M Crespo, P Lavin, B Ponce, C Gaylarde, SG de Saravia
Colloids and surfaces B: Biointerfaces 101, 337-342, 2013
Biofouling of crypts of historical and architectural interest at La Plata Cemetery (Argentina)
PS Guiamet, V Rosato, SG de Saravia, AM García, DA Moreno
Journal of Cultural Heritage 13 (3), 339-344, 2012
Biocide activity of natural extracts against microorganisms affecting archives
SGG de Saravia, J de la Paz Naramjo, P Guiamet, P Arenas, SF Borrego
Boletin latinoamericano y del caribe de plantas medicinales y aromaticas 7 …, 2008
Optimized mitogen stimulation induces proliferation of neoplastic B cells in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: significance for cytogenetic analysis
ML Larramendy, SM Siitonen, Y Zhu, M Hurme, L Vilpo, JA Vilpo, ...
Cytogenetics and cell genetics 82 (3-4), 215-221, 1998
Relevamiento microbiológico del aire y de materiales almacenados en el Archivo Histórico del Museo de La Plata, Argentina y en el Archivo Nacional de la República de Cuba
SC Borrego, I Perdomo, J de la Paz, SGG de Saravia, PS Guiamet
Revista del Museo de la Plata, 1-18, 2011
Estudio de la concentración microbiana en el aire de depósitos del Archivo Nacional de Cuba
S Borrego, I Perdomo, PS Guiamet, SG Gómez de Saravia
AUGM DOMUS 1, 2009
Differential sensitivity of Bacillus sp. isolated from archive materials to plant extracts
PS Guiamet, NJ de la Paz, PM Arenas, SG Gómez de Saravia
Pharmacologyonline 3, 649-658, 2008
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مقالات 1–20