Michelle Schwarze
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Spontaneous Disorder in Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments: Resentment, Injustice, and the Appeal to Providence
MA Schwarze, JT Scott
The Journal of Politics 77 (2), 463-476, 2015
The rhetoric of sincerity: Cicero and Smith on propriety and political context
DJ Kapust, MA Schwarze
American Political Science Review 110 (1), 100-111, 2016
Recognizing Resentment: Sympathy, Injustice, and Liberal Political Thought
M Schwarze
Mutual Sympathy and the Moral Economy: Adam Smith Reviews Rousseau
MA Schwarze, JT Scott
The Journal of Politics 81 (1), 66-80, 2018
Adam Smith on education as a means to political judgment
E Frame, M Schwarze
Political Research Quarterly 76 (3), 1224-1234, 2023
James Wilson’s Science of Politics and the Moral Psychology of American Constitutionalism
J Zink, M Schwarze
American Political Thought 7 (4), 588-613, 2018
Kant on humiliation, respect, and the moral preconditions for political right
M Schwarze
Polity 52 (4), 496-520, 2020
An honest man?: Rousseau's critique of Locke's character education
TT Tennyson, M Schwarze
An honest man?: Rousseau's critique of Locke's character education
T T Tennyson, M Schwarze
European Journal of Political Theory 23 (4), 435-456, 2024
Glory M. Liu: Adam Smith's America: How a Scottish Philosopher Became an Icon of American Capitalism.(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2022. Pp. xxxii, 348.)
M Schwarze
The Review of Politics 86 (3), 426-428, 2024
A PPE Approach to Adam Smith on Spectatorship and the Social Origins of Property Rights
MA Schwarze
Philosophy, Politics, and Austrian Economics, 121-133, 2020
The Opinion of Mankind: Sociability and the Theory of the State from Hobbes to Smith. By Paul Sagar. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2018. 280p. 29.95 paper.
M Schwarze
Perspectives on Politics 17 (3), 873-874, 2019
Adam Smith: Systematic philosopher and public thinker: Eric Schliesser Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017, xxiv+ 407 pp., ISBN 978-0190690120
M Schwarze
Contemporary Political Theory 18, 49-51, 2019
Michael L. Frazer, The enlightenment of sympathy: Justice and the moral sentiments in the eighteenth century and today: Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010, 237pp.
MA Schwarze
The Adam Smith Review Volume 8, 309-312, 2017
Review of Lisa Herzog, Inventing the market: Smith, Hegel, and political theory: Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013
MA Schwarze
The Adam Smith Review: Volume 10, 153-156, 2017
On modern republicanism. Montaigne and modern republicanism/Benjamin Storey; The foundations of Locke's defense of political toleration and the limits of reason/Andrea …
MA Schwarze, JR Zink
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مقالات 1–16