Dr. Peter  Fischer
Dr. Peter Fischer
Institute of Geography, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Influence of HCl pretreatment and organo-mineral complexes on laser diffraction measurement of loess–paleosol-sequences
P Schulte, F Lehmkuhl, F Steininger, D Loibl, G Lockot, J Protze, P Fischer, ...
Catena 137, 392-405, 2016
Are mid-latitude slopes sensitive to climatic oscillations? Implications from an Early Holocene sequence of slope deposits and buried soils from eastern Germany
S Dreibrodt, J Lomax, O Nelle, C Lubos, P Fischer, A Mitusov, S Reiss, ...
Geomorphology 122 (3-4), 351-369, 2010
Buried dark soil horizons and archaeological features in the Neolithic settlement region of the Lower Rhine area, NW Germany: formation, geochemistry and chronostratigraphy
R Gerlach, P Fischer, E Eckmeier, A Hilgers
Quaternary International 265, 191-204, 2012
Quartz OSL dating of late quaternary Chinese and Serbian loess: a cross Eurasian comparison of dust mass accumulation rates
Z Perić, EL Adolphi, T Stevens, G Újvári, C Zeeden, JP Buylaert, ...
Quaternary International 502, 30-44, 2019
Holocene surface ruptures of the Rurrand Fault, Germany—insights from palaeoseismology, remote sensing and shallow geophysics
C Grützner, P Fischer, K Reicherter
Geophysical Journal International 204 (3), 1662-1677, 2016
Millennial-scale terrestrial ecosystem responses to Upper Pleistocene climatic changes: 4D-reconstruction of the Schwalbenberg Loess-Palaeosol-Sequence (Middle Rhine Valley …
P Fischer, O Jöris, KE Fitzsimmons, M Vinnepand, C Prud'homme, ...
CATENA 196, 104913, 2021
Constraining electric resistivity tomography by direct push electric conductivity logs and vibracores: An exemplary study of the Fiume Morto silted riverbed (Ostia Antica …
T Wunderlich, P Fischer, D Wilken, H Hadler, E Erkul, R Mecking, ...
Geophysics 83 (3), B87-B103, 2018
From point to area: Upscaling approaches for Late Quaternary archaeological and environmental data
M Schlummer, T Hoffmann, R Dikau, M Eickmeier, P Fischer, R Gerlach, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 131, 22-48, 2014
Geoarchaeological evidence of marshland destruction in the area of Rungholt, present-day Wadden Sea around Hallig Südfall (North Frisia, Germany), by the Grote Mandrenke in 1362 AD
H Hadler, A Vött, J Newig, K Emde, C Finkler, P Fischer, T Willershäuser
Quaternary International 473, 37-54, 2018
Combined Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), Direct‐Push Electrical Conductivity (DP‐EC) Logging and Coring–A New Methodological Approach in Geoarchaeological Research
P Fischer, T Wunderlich, W Rabbel, A Vött, T Willershäuser, K Baika, ...
Archaeological Prospection 23 (3), 213-228, 2016
Formation and geochronology of Last Interglacial to Lower Weichselian loess/palaeosol sequences–case studies from the Lower Rhine Embayment, Germany
P Fischer, A Hilgers, J Protze, H Kels, F Lehmkuhl, R Gerlach
E&G Quaternary Science Journal 61 (1), 48-63, 2012
The sedimentary and geomorphological imprint of the AD 365 tsunami on the coasts of southwestern Crete (Greece)–Examples from Sougia and Palaiochora
V Werner, K Baika, P Fischer, H Hadler, L Obrocki, T Willershäuser, ...
Quaternary International 473, 66-90, 2018
Luminescence dating of loess deposits from the Remagen-Schwalbenberg site, Western Germany
N Klasen, P Fischer, F Lehmkuhl, A Hilgers
Geochronometria 42 (1), 67-77, 2015
A sequence of fluvial and aeolian deposits (desert loess) and palaeosoils covering the last 60 ka in the Opuwo basin (Kaokoland/Kunene Region, Namibia) based on luminescence dating
E Brunotte, B Maurer, P Fischer, J Lomax, H Sander
Quaternary International 196 (1-2), 71-85, 2009
Tracing tsunami signatures of the ad 551 and ad 1303 tsunamis at the Gulf of Kyparissia (Peloponnese, Greece) using direct push in situ sensing techniques …
L Obrocki, A Vött, D Wilken, P Fischer, T Willershäuser, B Koster, F Lang, ...
Sedimentology 67 (3), 1274-1308, 2020
The river harbour of Ostia Antica-stratigraphy, extent and harbour infrastructure from combined geophysical measurements and drillings
T Wunderlich, D Wilken, E Erkul, W Rabbel, A Vött, P Fischer, H Hadler, ...
Quaternary International 473, 55-65, 2018
Tracing the Alkinoos Harbor of ancient Kerkyra, Greece, and reconstructing its paleotsunami history
C Finkler, P Fischer, K Baika, D Rigakou, G Metallinou, H Hadler, A Vött
Geoarchaeology 33 (1), 24-42, 2018
Temple-complex post-dates tsunami deposits found in the ancient harbour basin of Ostia (Rome, Italy)
H Hadler, A Vött, P Fischer, S Ludwig, M Heinzelmann, C Rohn
Journal of Archaeological Science 61, 78-89, 2015
Palaeotsunami impact on the ancient harbour site Kyllini (western Peloponnese, Greece) based on a geomorphological multi-proxy approach; Palaeotsunami impact on the ancient …
H Hadler, K Baika, J Pakkanen, D Evangelistis, K Emde, P Fischer, ...
Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie Supplement 59 (4), 7-41, 2015
Geo-scientific evidence of tsunami impact in the Gulf of Kyparissia (western Peloponnese, Greece)
T Willershäuser, A Vött, H Hadler, P Fischer, B Röbke, K Ntageretzis, ...
Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Supplementary Issues, 43-80, 2015
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مقالات 1–20