Jonathan Grabowski
Jonathan Grabowski
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Economic valuation of ecosystem services provided by oyster reefs
JH Grabowski, RD Brumbaugh, RF Conrad, AG Keeler, JJ Opaluch, ...
Bioscience 62 (10), 900-909, 2012
Estimated enhancement of fish production resulting from restoring oyster reef habitat: quantitative valuation
CH Peterson, JH Grabowski, SP Powers
Marine Ecology Progress Series 264, 249-264, 2003
Revisiting the classics: considering nonconsumptive effects in textbook examples of predator–prey interactions
BL Peckarsky, PA Abrams, DI Bolnick, LM Dill, JH Grabowski, B Luttbeg, ...
Ecology 89 (9), 2416-2425, 2008
Restoring oyster reefs to recover ecosystem services
JH Grabowski, CH Peterson
Theoretical Ecology Series 4, 281-298, 2007
Habitat complexity disrupts predator–prey interactions but not the trophic cascade on oyster reefs
JH Grabowski
Ecology 85 (4), 995-1004, 2004
Historical ecology with real numbers: past and present extent and biomass of an imperilled estuarine habitat
PSE Zu Ermgassen, MD Spalding, B Blake, LD Coen, B Dumbauld, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1742), 3393-3400, 2012
How habitat setting influences restored oyster reef communities
JH Grabowski, AR Hughes, DL Kimbro, MA Dolan
Ecology 86 (7), 1926-1935, 2005
Cascading of habitat degradation: oyster reefs invaded by refugee fishes escaping stress
HS Lenihan, CH Peterson, JE Byers, JH Grabowski, GW Thayer, ...
Ecological Applications 11 (3), 764-782, 2001
Ecological consequences of shoreline hardening: a meta-analysis
RK Gittman, SB Scyphers, CS Smith, IP Neylan, JH Grabowski
BioScience 66 (9), 763-773, 2016
Oyster reefs can outpace sea-level rise
AB Rodriguez, FJ Fodrie, JT Ridge, NL Lindquist, EJ Theuerkauf, ...
Nature climate change 4 (6), 493-497, 2014
Success of constructed oyster reefs in no-harvest sanctuaries: implications for restoration
SP Powers, CH Peterson, JH Grabowski, HS Lenihan
Marine Ecology Progress Series 389, 159-170, 2009
From individuals to ecosystem function: toward an integration of evolutionary and ecosystem ecology
OJ Schmitz, JH Grabowski, BL Peckarsky, EL Preisser, GC Trussell, ...
Ecology 89 (9), 2436-2445, 2008
Habitat complexity influences cascading effects of multiple predators
JH Grabowski, AR Hughes, DL Kimbro
Ecology 89 (12), 3413-3422, 2008
Guidelines for evaluating performance of oyster habitat restoration
LP Baggett, SP Powers, RD Brumbaugh, LD Coen, BM DeAngelis, ...
Restoration Ecology 23 (6), 737-745, 2015
Habitat complexity mitigates trophic transfer on oyster reefs
JH Grabowski, SP Powers
Marine ecology progress series 277, 291-295, 2004
Estimating enhancement of fish production by offshore artificial reefs: uncertainty exhibited by divergent scenarios
SP Powers, JH Grabowski, CH Peterson, WJ Lindberg
Marine Ecology Progress Series 264, 265-277, 2003
Oyster reefs as carbon sources and sinks
FJ Fodrie, AB Rodriguez, RK Gittman, JH Grabowski, NL Lindquist, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284 (1859), 20170891, 2017
Synthesis of linkages between benthic and fish communities as a key to protecting essential fish habitat
CH Peterson, HC Summerson, E Thomson, HS Lenihan, J Grabowski, ...
Bulletin of Marine science 66 (3), 759-774, 2000
Investing in natural and nature-based infrastructure: building better along our coasts
AE Sutton-Grier, RK Gittman, KK Arkema, RO Bennett, J Benoit, S Blitch, ...
Sustainability 10 (2), 523, 2018
Quantifying fish and mobile invertebrate production from a threatened nursery habitat
PSE Zu Ermgassen, JH Grabowski, JR Gair, SP Powers
Journal of Applied Ecology 53 (2), 596-606, 2016
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مقالات 1–20