David GASQ
David GASQ
ToNIC Toulouse NeuroImaging Center (Inserm-UT), CHU de Toulouse, TMBI (Univ Toulouse)
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Effects of robotic gait training after stroke: A meta-analysis
G Moucheboeuf, R Griffier, D Gasq, B Glize, L Bouyer, P Dehail, ...
Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine 63 (6), 518-534, 2020
Post-stroke hemiplegia rehabilitation: evolution of the concepts
P Marque, D Gasq, E Castel-Lacanal, X De Boissezon, I Loubinoux
Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine 57 (8), 520-529, 2014
Between-day reliability of centre of pressure measures for balance assessment in hemiplegic stroke patients
D Gasq, M Labrunée, D Amarantini, P Dupui, R Montoya, P Marque
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 11, 1-10, 2014
Urinary complications and risk factors in symptomatic multiple sclerosis patients. Study of a cohort of 328 patients
E Castel‐Lacanal, X Gamé, M Clanet, D Gasq, X De Boissezon, ...
Neurourology and urodynamics 34 (1), 32-36, 2015
Impact of the EMG normalization method on muscle activation and the antagonist-agonist co-contraction index during active elbow extension: Practical implications for post …
A Chalard, M Belle, E Montané, P Marque, D Amarantini, D Gasq
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 51, 102403, 2020
Sensorimotor control deficiency in recurrent anterior shoulder instability assessed with a stabilometric force platform
P Edouard, D Gasq, P Calmels, F Degache
Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery 23 (3), 355-360, 2014
Impact of intermittent catheterization on the quality of life of multiple sclerosis patients
E Castel-Lacanal, X Gamé, X De Boissezon, J Guillotreau, ...
World journal of urology 31, 1445-1450, 2013
Responsiveness of kinematic and clinical measures of upper-limb motor function after stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis
C Villepinte, A Verma, C Dimeglio, X De Boissezon, D Gasq
Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 64 (2), 101366, 2021
Action, observation or imitation of virtual hand movement affect differently regions of the mirror neuron system and the default mode network
N Brihmat, M Tarri, Y Quidé, K Anglio, B Pavard, E Castel-Lacanal, ...
Brain imaging and behavior 12 (5), 1363-1378, 2018
Spastic co-contraction, rather that spasticity, is associated with impaired active function in adults with acquired brain injury: a pilot study
A Chalard, D Amarantini, J Tisseyre, P Marque, J Tallet, D Gasq
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 51 (4), 307-311, 2019
Transcranial magnetic stimulation in brain injury
E Castel-Lacanal, M Tarri, I Loubinoux, D Gasq, X de Boissezon, ...
Annales françaises d'anesthésie et de réanimation 33 (2), 83-87, 2014
Spastic co-contraction is directly associated with altered cortical beta oscillations after stroke
A Chalard, D Amarantini, J Tisseyre, P Marque, D Gasq
Clinical neurophysiology 131 (6), 1345-1353, 2020
Five-day course of paired associative stimulation fails to improve motor function in stroke patients
M Tarri, N Brihmat, D Gasq, B Lepage, I Loubinoux, X De Boissezon, ...
Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine 61 (2), 78-84, 2018
Kinematic parameters obtained with the ArmeoSpring for upper-limb assessment after stroke: a reliability and learning effect study for guiding parameter use
N Brihmat, I Loubinoux, E Castel-Lacanal, P Marque, D Gasq
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 17, 1-12, 2020
Botuloscope: 1-year follow-up of upper limb post-stroke spasticity treated with botulinum toxin
P Marque, A Denis, D Gasq, E Chaleat-Valayer, A Yelnik, C Colin, ...
Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine 62 (4), 207-213, 2019
Posterior tibial tendon transfer in the spastic brain-damaged adult does not lead to valgus flatfoot
D Gasq, F Molinier, N Reina, P Dupui, P Chiron, P Marque
Foot and Ankle Surgery 19 (3), 182-187, 2013
Shoulder sensorimotor control assessment by force platform: feasibility and reliability
P Edouard, D Gasq, P Calmels, S Ducrot, F Degache
Clinical physiology and functional imaging 32 (5), 409-413, 2012
A novel method to generalize time-frequency coherence analysis between EEG or EMG signals during repetitive trials with high intra-subject variability in duration
M Fauvet, S Cremoux, A Chalard, J Tisseyre, D Gasq, D Amarantini
2019 9th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER), 437-440, 2019
Validation of French upper limb Erasmus modified Nottingham Sensory Assessment in stroke
C Villepinte, E Catella, M Martin, S Hidalgo, S Téchené, C Lebely, ...
Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 62 (1), 35-42, 2019
Temporal dynamics of corticomuscular coherence reflects alteration of the central mechanisms of neural motor control in post-stroke patients
M Fauvet, D Gasq, A Chalard, J Tisseyre, D Amarantini
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15, 682080, 2021
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مقالات 1–20