suman basuroy
suman basuroy
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
How critical are critical reviews? The box office effects of film critics, star power, and budgets
S Basuroy, S Chatterjee, SA Ravid
Journal of marketing 67 (4), 103-117, 2003
How effortful decisions get enacted: The motivating role of decision processes, desires, and anticipated emotions
RP Bagozzi, UM Dholakia, S Basuroy
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 16 (4), 273-295, 2003
An empirical investigation of signaling in the motion picture industry
S Basuroy, KK Desai, D Talukdar
Journal of marketing research 43 (2), 287-295, 2006
The impact of category management on retailer prices and performance: Theory and evidence
S Basuroy, MK Mantrala, RG Walters
Journal of Marketing 65 (4), 16-32, 2001
Interactive influence of genre familiarity, star power, and critics' reviews in the cultural goods industry: The case of motion pictures
KK Desai, S Basuroy
Psychology & Marketing 22 (3), 203-223, 2005
Reviewing the reviewers: The impact of individual film critics on box office performance
P Boatwright, S Basuroy, W Kamakura
Quantitative marketing and economics 5, 401-425, 2007
Does advertising spending influence media coverage of the advertiser?
D Rinallo, S Basuroy
Journal of Marketing 73 (6), 33-46, 2009
Managerial objectives, the R‐rating puzzle, and the production of violent films
SA Ravid, S Basuroy
The Journal of Business 77 (S2), S155-S192, 2004
Design crowdsourcing: The impact on new product performance of sourcing design solutions from the “crowd”
BJ Allen, D Chandrasekaran, S Basuroy
Journal of Marketing 82 (2), 106-123, 2018
Auction or agent (or both)? A study of moderators of the herding bias in digital auctions
UM Dholakia, S Basuroy, K Soltysinski
International Journal of Research in Marketing 19 (2), 115-130, 2002
Fast and frequent: Investigating box office revenues of motion picture sequels
S Basuroy, S Chatterjee
Journal of Business Research 61 (7), 798-803, 2008
Multinomial logit market share models: Equilibrium characteristics and strategic implications
S Basuroy, D Nguyen
Management science 44 (10), 1396-1408, 1998
Distributors and film critics: does it take two to Tango?
SA Ravid, JK Wald, S Basuroy
Journal of cultural Economics 30, 201-218, 2006
Why quality may not always win: The impact of product generation life cycles on quality and network effects in high-tech markets
RT Gretz, S Basuroy
Journal of Retailing 89 (3), 281-300, 2013
Is silence golden? An inquiry into the meaning of silence in professional product evaluations
WA Kamakura, S Basuroy, P Boatwright
Quantitative Marketing and Economics 4, 119-141, 2006
Category management, product assortment, and consumer welfare
S Gajanan, S Basuroy, S Beldona
Marketing Letters 18, 135-148, 2007
Is everybody an expert? An investigation into the impact of professional versus user reviews on movie revenues
S Basuroy, S Abraham Ravid, RT Gretz, BJ Allen
Journal of Cultural Economics 44, 57-96, 2020
CEO compensation, customer satisfaction, and firm value
S Basuroy, K C. Gleason, Y H. Kannan
Review of Accounting and Finance 13 (4), 326-352, 2014
Technological change and managerial challenges in the movie theater industry
CB Weinberg, C Otten, B Orbach, J McKenzie, R Gil, DC Chisholm, ...
Journal of Cultural Economics 45, 239-262, 2021
Estimating the impact of Airbnb on the local economy: Evidence from the restaurant industry
S Basuroy, Y Kim, D Proserpio
Available at SSRN 3516983, 2020
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مقالات 1–20