Antonio Leal-Millan
Antonio Leal-Millan
Catedrático de Universidad, Universidad de Sevilla
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The antecedents of green innovation performance: A model of learning and capabilities
G Albort-Morant, A Leal-Millán, G Cepeda-Carrión
Journal of business research 69 (11), 4912-4917, 2016
From entrepreneurial orientation and learning orientation to business performance: analysing the mediating role of organizational learning and the moderating effects of …
JC Real, JL Roldán, A Leal
British Journal of Management 25 (2), 186-208, 2014
Information technology as a determinant of organizational learning and technological distinctive competencies
JC Real, A Leal, JL Roldán
Industrial marketing management 35 (4), 505-521, 2006
Absorptive capacity and relationship learning mechanisms as complementary drivers of green innovation performance
G Albort-Morant, AL Leal-Rodríguez, V De Marchi
Journal of knowledge management 22 (2), 432-452, 2018
Relationships between the EFQM model criteria: a study in Spanish universities
A Calvo-Mora, A Leal, JL Roldán
Total quality management & business excellence 16 (6), 741-770, 2005
From potential absorptive capacity to innovation outcomes in project teams: The conditional mediating role of the realized absorptive capacity in a relational learning context
AL Leal-Rodríguez, JL Roldán, JA Ariza-Montes, A Leal-Millán
International journal of project management 32 (6), 894-907, 2014
Organizational unlearning, innovation outcomes, and performance: The moderating effect of firm size
AL Leal-Rodríguez, S Eldridge, JL Roldán, AG Leal-Millán, ...
Journal of business research 68 (4), 803-809, 2015
Mapping the field: A bibliometric analysis of green innovation
G Albort-Morant, J Henseler, A Leal-Millán, G Cepeda-Carrión
Sustainability 9 (6), 1011, 2017
Absorptive capacity, innovation and cultural barriers: A conditional mediation model
AL Leal-Rodríguez, JA Ariza-Montes, JL Roldán, AG Leal-Millán
Journal of Business Research 67 (5), 763-768, 2014
A Validation Test of an Adaptation of the DeLone and McLean's Model in the Spanish EIS Field
JL Roldán, A Leal
Critical reflections on information systems: A systemic approach, 66-84, 2003
La teoría de los dos factores en la satisfacción del cliente
AGL Millán, A Carmona-Lavado
Investigaciones europeas de dirección y economía de la empresa 4 (1), 53-80, 1998
El factor humano en las relaciones laborales
A Leal, A Alfaro de Prado, L Rodríguez, M Román
Editorial Pirámide, Madrid, 1999
The role of cultural barriers in the relationship between open‐mindedness and organizational innovation
R Hernández‐Mogollon, G Cepeda‐Carrión, JG Cegarra‐Navarro, ...
Journal of Organizational Change Management 23 (4), 360-376, 2010
Critical processes of knowledge management: An approach toward the creation of customer value
I Cepeda-Carrion, S Martelo-Landroguez, AL Leal-Rodríguez, ...
European Research on Management and Business Economics 23 (1), 1-7, 2017
Potential and realized absorptive capacity as complementary drivers of green product and process innovation performance
G Albort-Morant, J Henseler, G Cepeda-Carrión, AL Leal-Rodríguez
sustainability 10 (2), 381, 2018
IT and relationship learning in networks as drivers of green innovation and customer capital: Evidence from the automobile sector
A Leal-Millán, JL Roldán, AL Leal-Rodríguez, J Ortega-Gutiérrez
Journal of Knowledge Management 20 (3), 444-464, 2016
Conocer la cultura de las organizaciones: una base para la estrategia y el cambio
AL Millán
Actualidad Editorial, 1991
Motivation and benefits of implementation and certification according ISO 9001–the Portuguese experience
G Santos, B Costa, A Leal
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology 6 (5), 1-12, 2014
Identifying key knowledge area in the professional services industry: a case study
GC Carrion, JLG Gonzalez, A Leal
Journal of Knowledge Management 8 (6), 131-150, 2004
Knowledge management and the effectiveness of innovation outcomes: The role of cultural barriers
AL Leal Rodríguez, A Leal Millán, JL Roldán Salgueiro, ...
Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management 11 (1), 62-71, 2013
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مقالات 1–20