Robert Gentleman
Robert Gentleman
Principal Research Scientist
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على ds.dfci.harvard.edu
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Bioconductor: open software development for computational biology and bioinformatics
RC Gentleman, VJ Carey, DM Bates, B Bolstad, M Dettling, S Dudoit, ...
Genome biology 5, 1-16, 2004
R: a language for data analysis and graphics
R Ihaka, R Gentleman
Journal of computational and graphical statistics 5 (3), 299-314, 1996
Circulating microRNAs as stable blood-based markers for cancer detection
PS Mitchell, RK Parkin, EM Kroh, BR Fritz, SK Wyman, ...
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 105 (30), 10513-10518, 2008
Software for computing and annotating genomic ranges
M Lawrence, W Huber, H Pagès, P Aboyoun, M Carlson, R Gentleman, ...
PLoS computational biology 9 (8), e1003118, 2013
Orchestrating high-throughput genomic analysis with Bioconductor
W Huber, VJ Carey, R Gentleman, S Anders, M Carlson, BS Carvalho, ...
Nature methods 12 (2), 115-121, 2015
Bioinformatics and computational biology solutions using R and Bioconductor
R Gentleman, V Carey, W Huber, R Irizarry, S Dudoit
Springer Science & Business Media, 2005
gplots: Various R programming tools for plotting data
GR Warnes, B Bolker, L Bonebakker, R Gentleman, W Huber, A Liaw, ...
R package version 2 (4), 1, 2009
Using GOstats to test gene lists for GO term association
S Falcon, R Gentleman
Bioinformatics 23 (2), 257-258, 2007
A model-based background adjustment for oligonucleotide expression arrays
Z Wu, RA Irizarry, R Gentleman, F Martinez-Murillo, F Spencer
Journal of the American statistical Association 99 (468), 909-917, 2004
Comprehensive genomic analysis identifies SOX2 as a frequently amplified gene in small-cell lung cancer
CM Rudin, S Durinck, EW Stawiski, JT Poirier, Z Modrusan, DS Shames, ...
Nature genetics 44 (10), 1111-1116, 2012
Recurrent R-spondin fusions in colon cancer
S Seshagiri, EW Stawiski, S Durinck, Z Modrusan, EE Storm, CB Conboy, ...
Nature 488 (7413), 660-664, 2012
arrayQualityMetrics—a bioconductor package for quality assessment of microarray data
A Kauffmann, R Gentleman, W Huber
Bioinformatics 25 (3), 415-416, 2009
Independent filtering increases detection power for high-throughput experiments
R Bourgon, R Gentleman, W Huber
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (21), 9546-9551, 2010
rtracklayer: an R package for interfacing with genome browsers
M Lawrence, R Gentleman, V Carey
Bioinformatics 25 (14), 1841, 2009
A comprehensive transcriptional portrait of human cancer cell lines
C Klijn, S Durinck, EW Stawiski, PM Haverty, Z Jiang, H Liu, J Degenhardt, ...
Nature biotechnology 33 (3), 306-312, 2015
Biostrings: Efficient manipulation of biological strings
H Pagès, P Aboyoun, R Gentleman, S DebRoy
R package version 2 (0), 10.18129, 2019
The mutation spectrum revealed by paired genome sequences from a lung cancer patient
W Lee, Z Jiang, J Liu, PM Haverty, Y Guan, J Stinson, P Yue, Y Zhang, ...
Nature 465 (7297), 473-477, 2010
ShortRead: a bioconductor package for input, quality assessment and exploration of high-throughput sequence data
M Morgan, S Anders, M Lawrence, P Aboyoun, H Pagès, R Gentleman
Bioinformatics 25 (19), 2607-2608, 2009
flowCore: a Bioconductor package for high throughput flow cytometry
F Hahne, N LeMeur, RR Brinkman, B Ellis, P Haaland, D Sarkar, ...
BMC bioinformatics 10, 1-8, 2009
Genome-wide MyoD binding in skeletal muscle cells: a potential for broad cellular reprogramming
Y Cao, Z Yao, D Sarkar, M Lawrence, GJ Sanchez, MH Parker, ...
Developmental cell 18 (4), 662-674, 2010
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مقالات 1–20