Andreas Olsson
Andreas Olsson
Professor of Psychology, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska institutet
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Failure to detect mismatches between intention and outcome in a simple decision task
P Johansson, L Hall, S Sikstrom, A Olsson
Science 310 (5745), 116-119, 2005
Social learning of fear
A Olsson, EA Phelps
Nature neuroscience 10 (9), 1095-1102, 2007
The role of social groups in the persistence of learned fear
A Olsson, JP Ebert, MR Banaji, EA Phelps
Science 309 (5735), 785-787, 2005
Learned fear of “unseen” faces after Pavlovian, observational, and instructed fear
A Olsson, EA Phelps
Psychological science 15 (12), 822-828, 2004
Extending animal models of fear conditioning to humans
MR Delgado, A Olsson, EA Phelps
Biological psychology 73 (1), 39-48, 2006
Learning fears by observing others: the neural systems of social fear transmission
A Olsson, KI Nearing, EA Phelps
Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 2 (1), 3-11, 2007
The role of social cognition in emotion
A Olsson, KN Ochsner
Trends in cognitive sciences 12 (2), 65-71, 2008
National identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic
JJ Van Bavel, A Cichocka, V Capraro, H Sjåstad, JB Nezlek, T Pavlović, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 517, 2022
The neural and computational systems of social learning
A Olsson, E Knapska, B Lindström
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 21 (4), 197-212, 2020
Distinct contributions of the dorsolateral prefrontal and orbitofrontal cortex during emotion regulation
A Golkar, TB Lonsdorf, A Olsson, KM Lindstrom, J Berrebi, P Fransson, ...
PloS one 7 (11), e48107, 2012
A ten-year follow-up of a study of memory for the attack of September 11, 2001: Flashbulb memories and memories for flashbulb events.
W Hirst, EA Phelps, R Meksin, CJ Vaidya, MK Johnson, KJ Mitchell, ...
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 144 (3), 604, 2015
Fear extinction to an out-group face: The role of target gender
CD Navarrete, A Olsson, AK Ho, WB Mendes, L Thomsen, J Sidanius
Psychological science 20 (2), 155-158, 2009
Cues of fatigue: effects of sleep deprivation on facial appearance
T Sundelin, M Lekander, G Kecklund, EJW Van Someren, A Olsson, ...
Sleep 36 (9), 1355-1360, 2013
Social fear learning: from animal models to human function
J Debiec, A Olsson
Trends in cognitive sciences 21 (7), 546-555, 2017
The role of a “common is moral” heuristic in the stability and change of moral norms.
B Lindström, S Jangard, I Selbing, A Olsson
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 147 (2), 228, 2018
Beauty sleep: experimental study on the perceived health and attractiveness of sleep deprived people
J Axelsson, T Sundelin, M Ingre, EJW Van Someren, A Olsson, ...
Bmj 341, c6614, 2010
Are fear memories erasable?–reconsolidation of learned fear with fear-relevant and fear-irrelevant stimuli
A Golkar, M Bellander, A Olsson, A Öhman
Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 6, 80, 2012
A common neural network differentially mediates direct and social fear learning
B Lindström, J Haaker, A Olsson
NeuroImage 167, 121-129, 2018
Vicarious fear learning depends on empathic appraisals and trait empathy
A Olsson, K McMahon, G Papenberg, J Zaki, N Bolger, KN Ochsner
Psychological science 27 (1), 25-33, 2016
Assessment of social transmission of threats in humans using observational fear conditioning
J Haaker, A Golkar, I Selbing, A Olsson
Nature Protocols 12 (7), 1378-1386, 2017
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مقالات 1–20