Dr. Swati Sharma
Dr. Swati Sharma
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Mandi
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Improved graphitization and electrical conductivity of suspended carbon nanofibers derived from carbon nanotube/polyacrylonitrile composites by directed electrospinning
T Maitra, S Sharma, A Srivastava, YK Cho, M Madou, A Sharma
Carbon 50 (5), 1753-1761, 2012
A new approach to gas sensing with nanotechnology
S Sharma, M Madou
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2012
Glassy Carbon: A Promising Material for Micro-and Nanomanufacturing
S Sharma
Materials 11 (10), 1857, 2018
Evolution of Glassy Carbon Microstructure: In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy of the Pyrolysis Process
S Sharma, CN Shyam Kumar, JG Korvink, C Kübel
Scientific reports 8 (1), 16282, 2018
Laser-induced hierarchical carbon patterns on polyimide substrates for flexible urea sensors
ER Mamleyev, S Heissler, A Nefedov, PG Weidler, N Nordin, ...
NPJ Flexible Electronics 3 (1), 2, 2019
Increased graphitization in electrospun single suspended carbon nanowires integrated with carbon-MEMS and carbon-NEMS platforms
S Sharma, A Sharma, YK Cho, M Madou
ACS applied materials & interfaces 4 (1), 34-39, 2012
A comprehensive review of the pyrolysis process: From carbon nanomaterial synthesis to waste treatment
M Devi, S Rawat, S Sharma
Oxford Open Materials Science 1 (1), itab014, 2021
Optimization of carbon electrodes derived from epoxy-based photoresist
A Mardegan, R Kamath, S Sharma, P Scopece, P Ugo, M Madou
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 160 (8), B132, 2013
Carbon-based neural electrodes: Promises and challenges
M Devi, M Vomero, E Fuhrer, E Castagnola, C Gueli, S Nimbalkar, ...
Journal of Neural Engineering 18 (4), 041007, 2021
Laser‐Carbonization–A powerful tool for micro‐fabrication of patterned electronic carbons
M Devi, H Wang, S Moon, S Sharma, V Strauss
Advanced Materials 35 (38), 2211054, 2023
Micro and nano patterning of carbon electrodes for bioMEMS
S Sharma, M Madou
Bioinspired, Biomimetic and Nanobiomaterials 1 (4), 252-265, 2012
Tailored probes for atomic force microscopy fabricated by two-photon polymerization
G Göring, PI Dietrich, M Blaicher, S Sharma, JG Korvink, T Schimmel, ...
Applied Physics Letters 109 (6), 2016
Porous glassy carbon formed by rapid pyrolysis of phenol-formaldehyde resins and its performance as electrode material for electrochemical double layer capacitors
S Sharma, R Kamath, M Madou
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 108, 12-18, 2014
Custom-designed glassy carbon tips for atomic force microscopy
A Zakhurdaeva, PI Dietrich, H Hölscher, C Koos, JG Korvink, S Sharma
Micromachines 8 (9), 285, 2017
Flexible bioelectronic devices based on micropatterned monolithic carbon fiber mats
M Vomero, C Gueli, E Zucchini, L Fadiga, JB Erhardt, S Sharma, ...
Advanced Materials Technologies 5 (2), 1900713, 2020
3D Carbon Scaffolds for Neural Stem Cell Culture and Magnetic Resonance Imaging
E Fuhrer, A Bäcker, S Kraft, FJ Gruhl, M Kirsch, N MacKinnon, JG Korvink, ...
Advanced healthcare materials 7 (4), 1700915, 2018
Synthetic waste derived graphitic carbon nitride (g-CN) and g-CN/carbon hybrid for supercapacitors
M Devi, S Upadhyay, RA Mir, N Kumar, S Sharma
Journal of Energy Storage 73, 109067, 2023
Micro and nano patternable magnetic carbon
S Sharma, AM Rostas, L Bordonali, N MacKinnon, S Weber, JG Korvink
Journal of Applied Physics 120 (23), 2016
A nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) platform for real-time metabolic monitoring of bioprocesses
N Mehendale, F Jenne, C Joshi, S Sharma, SK Masakapalli, ...
Molecules 25 (20), 4675, 2020
SU8 derived glassy carbon for lithium ion batteries
S Sharma, A Khalajhedayati, TJ Rupert, MJ Madou
ECS Transactions 61 (7), 75-84, 2014
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مقالات 1–20