Ilmars Dukulis
Ilmars Dukulis
Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Integration-lifelong educational space in formation of competent agricultural engineer
S Nikolaenko, V Ivanyshyn, V Shynkaruk, O Bulgakova, L Zbaravska, ...
Engineering for Rural Development 21, 638-644, 2022
Experimental research of oil extraction from canola by using microwave technology
O Burdo, V Bandura, L Kolianovska, I Dukulis
Effect of commercial diesel fuel and hydrotreated vegetable oil blend on automobile performance.
G Birzietis, V Pirs, I Dukulis, M Gailis
Agronomy Research 15, 2017
Optimization models for biofuel logistic systems
I Dukulis, G Birzietis, D Kanaska
Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific Conference, Engineering for …, 2008
Research of the movement of agricultural aggregates using the methods of the movement stability theory
V Bulgakov, H Kaletnik, T Goncharuk, A Rucins, I Dukulis, S Pascuzzi
Agronomy Research.-2019.-№ 17 (5).-S. 1846-1860., 2019
Development of driving cycles for dynamometer control software corresponding to peculiarities of Latvia.
I Dukulis, V Pirs
Investigation of pedagogical conditions for development of professional self-perfection skills of future agricultural engineers
S Nikolaenko, M Bondar, O Bulgakova, I Dukulis
Engineering for rural development 19, 1364-1372, 2020
Development of methods for testing automobiles operating on biofuels
I Dukulis, V Pirs, Z Jesko, A Birkavs, G Birzietis
8th International Scientific Conference “Engineering for Rural Development …, 2009
Formation of information-communication competence of the future agricultural engineering specialists at agricultural institutions of higher education
O Bulgakova, L Zbaravska, S Hrushetskyi, I Dukulis
Engineering for Rural Development 22, 691-699, 2023
A study of dynamic loads of a flexible sectional screw conveyor
V Bulgakov, O Trokhaniak, V Adamchuk, M Chernovol, M Korenko, ...
Acta Technologica Agriculturae 25 (3), 131-136, 2022
Research on the impact of the operating modes and main design parameters on the efficiency of the machine for preparing and packing slaked lime.
V Bulgakov, O Trokhaniak, M Klendii, S Ivanovs, I Dukulis
INMATEH-Agricultural Engineering 67 (2), 2022
Improving the performance of a ploughing tractor by means of an auxiliary carriage with motorized axle
V Bulgakov, V Nadykto, S Ivanovs, I Dukulis
Journal of Agricultural Engineering 52 (1), 2021
Investigation of flowability of rapeseed oil and diesel fuel blends in winter conditions.
I Dukulis, A Birkavs, G Birzietis
Studies of engine performance and emissions at full-load mode Using HVO, diesel fuel, and HVO5
R Smigins, K Sondors, V Pirs, I Dukulis, G Birzietis
Energies 16 (12), 4785, 2023
Content of professionally oriented training in course of physics for students of agricultural engineering specialties
O Bulgakova, L Zbaravska, I Dukulis, A Rucins
Engineering for Rural Development 22, 661-666, 2023
Methodological aspects of training future agroengineers
S Nikolaenko, O Bulgakova, I Dukulis, I Pilvere
Engineering for Rural Development 18, 1933-1940, 2019
Investigation in tractor Claas Ares 557ATX operating parameters using hydrotreated vegetable oil fuel
K Sondors, A Birkavs, I Dukulis, V Pirs, Z Jesko
Engineering for Rural Development 13, 63-68, 2014
Testing of automobile VW Golf operating on three different fuels
I Dukulis, V Pirs, Z Jesko, A Birkavs, G Birzietis
Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific Conference ‘Engineering for …, 2009
Study in possibilities of professional orientation in training of specialists in agrarian and technical universities
S Nikolaenko, O Bulgakova, V Vasileva, I Dukulis, L Zbaravska
Engineering for Rural Development 20, 212-219, 2021
An experimental investigation on aldehyde and methane emissions from hydrous ethanol and gasoline fueled SI engine
M Gailis, V Pirs, M Jansons, G Birzietis, I Dukulis
SAE Technical Paper, 2020
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20