Barbara Gray
Barbara Gray
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Collaborating: Finding common ground for multiparty problems
R Kramer
Academy of Management Review 15 (3), 545-547, 1990
Toward a comprehensive theory of collaboration
DJ Wood, B Gray
The Journal of applied behavioral science 27 (2), 139-162, 1991
Bargaining power, management control, and performance in United States–China joint ventures: a comparative case study
A Yan, B Gray
Academy of Management journal 37 (6), 1478-1517, 1994
Conditions facilitating interorganizational collaboration
B Gray
Human relations 38 (10), 911-936, 1985
Collaborative alliances: Moving from practice to theory
B Gray, DJ Wood
The Journal of applied behavioral science 27 (1), 3-22, 1991
Testing a model of organizational response to social and political issues
DW Greening, B Gray
Academy of Management journal 37 (3), 467-498, 1994
Social networks and perceptions of intergroup conflict: The role of negative relationships and third parties
G Labianca, DJ Brass, B Gray
Academy of Management journal 41 (1), 55-67, 1998
Disentangling approaches to framing in conflict and negotiation research: A meta-paradigmatic perspective
A Dewulf, B Gray, L Putnam, R Lewicki, N Aarts, R Bouwen, ...
Human relations 62 (2), 155-193, 2009
Communication, meaning, and organized action
A Donnellon, B Gray, MG Bougon
Administrative science quarterly, 43-55, 1986
Conflicting logics, mechanisms of diffusion, and multilevel dynamics in emerging institutional fields
JM Purdy, B Gray
Academy of Management Journal 52 (2), 355-380, 2009
Making sense of intractable environmental conflicts: frames and cases
RJ Lewicki, B Gray, M Elliott
Island press, 2003
A grounded model of organizational schema change during empowerment
G Labianca, B Gray, DJ Brass
Organization Science 11 (2), 235-257, 2000
Constructing a climate change logic: An institutional perspective on the “tragedy of the commons”
S Ansari, F Wijen, B Gray
Organization Science 24 (4), 1014-1040, 2013
Politics and strategic change across organizational life cycles
B Gray, SS Ariss
Academy of management review 10 (4), 707-723, 1985
Framing of environmental disputes
B Gray
Making sense of intractable environmental conflicts: Concepts and cases, 11-34, 2003
Organizations as constructions and destructions of meaning
B Gray, MG Bougon, A Donnellon
Journal of management 11 (2), 83-98, 1985
Collaborating for our future: Multistakeholder partnerships for solving complex problems
B Gray, J Purdy
Oxford University Press, 2018
Racial homophily and its persistence in newcomers' social networks
KA Mollica, B Gray, LK Trevino
Organization science 14 (2), 123-136, 2003
From interactions to institutions: Microprocesses of framing and mechanisms for the structuring of institutional fields
B Gray, JM Purdy, S Ansari
Academy of management review 40 (1), 115-143, 2015
Strong opposition: frame‐based resistance to collaboration
B Gray
Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology 14 (3), 166-176, 2004
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مقالات 1–20