Reinhard K. Kremer
Reinhard K. Kremer
MPI for Solid State Research Stuttgart
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Thermodynamics of spin antiferromagnetic uniform and alternating-exchange Heisenberg chains
DC Johnston, RK Kremer, M Troyer, X Wang, A Klümper, SL Bud’ko, ...
Physical Review B 61 (14), 9558, 2000
Specific heat of MgB2 in a one-and a two-bandmodel from first-principles calculations
AA Golubov, J Kortus, OV Dolgov, O Jepsen, Y Kong, OK Andersen, ...
Journal of physics: Condensed matter 14 (6), 1353, 2002
Fe3GeTe2 and Ni3GeTe2 – Two New Layered Transition‐Metal Compounds: Crystal Structures, HRTEM Investigations, and Magnetic and Electrical Properties
HJ Deiseroth, K Aleksandrov, C Reiner, L Kienle, RK Kremer
European journal of inorganic chemistry 2006 (8), 1561-1567, 2006
Quantum helimagnetism of the frustrated spin-½ chain LiCuVO4
M Enderle, C Mukherjee, B Fåk, RK Kremer, JM Broto, H Rosner, ...
Europhysics Letters 70 (2), 237, 2005
Band Filling and Interband Scattering Effects in : Carbon versus Aluminum Doping
J Kortus, OV Dolgov, RK Kremer, AA Golubov
Physical review letters 94 (2), 027002, 2005
Nonlinear Hall effect and multichannel conduction in superlattices
JS Kim, SSA Seo, MF Chisholm, RK Kremer, HU Habermeier, B Keimer, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (20), 201407, 2010
Specific Heat Measurements of Single Crystals: <?format ?>Evidence for a Multiband Strong-Coupling Superconducting State
P Popovich, AV Boris, OV Dolgov, AA Golubov, DL Sun, CT Lin, ...
Physical review letters 105 (2), 027003, 2010
Evidence for a bulk Meissner state in the ferromagnetic superconductor from dc magnetization
CH Bernhard, JL Tallon, E Brücher, RK Kremer
Physical Review B 61 (22), R14960, 2000
The organic metal (Me2-DCNQI) 2Cu: Dramatic changes in solid-state properties and crystal structure due to secondary deuterium effects
K Sinzger, S Huenig, M Jopp, D Bauer, W Bietsch, JU von Schuetz, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 115 (17), 7696-7705, 1993
Temperature dependence of band gaps in semiconductors: Electron-phonon interaction
J Bhosale, AK Ramdas, A Burger, A Muñoz, AH Romero, M Cardona, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (19), 195208, 2012
Magnetic-susceptibility and specific-heat studies of spin-glass-like ordering in the pyrochlore compounds R 2 Mo 2 O 7 (R= Y, Sm, or Gd)
NP Raju, E Gmelin, RK Kremer
Physical Review B 46 (9), 5405, 1992
Incommensurate antiferromagnetic order in the S= 12 quantum chain compound LiCuVO4
BJ Gibson, RK Kremer, AV Prokofiev, W Assmus, GJ McIntyre
Physica B: Condensed Matter 350 (1-3), E253-E256, 2004
Percolative phase separation in La2CuO4+δ and La2−x Sr x CuO4
RK Kremer, E Sigmund, V Hizhnyakov, F Hentsch, A Simon, KA Müller, ...
Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter 86, 319-324, 1992
Thermal conductivity of isotopically enriched 28Si: revisited
RK Kremer, K Graf, M Cardona, GG Devyatykh, AV Gusev, AM Gibin, ...
Solid state communications 131 (8), 499-503, 2004
Tunable Weyl and Dirac states in the nonsymmorphic compound CeSbTe
LM Schoop, A Topp, J Lippmann, F Orlandi, L Müchler, MG Vergniory, ...
Science advances 4 (2), eaar2317, 2018
Relation between structural instabilities in EuTiO and SrTiO
A Bussmann-Holder, J Köhler, RK Kremer, JM Law
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (21), 212102, 2011
Magnetic ordering in the frustrated Heisenberg chain system cupric chloride
MG Banks, RK Kremer, C Hoch, A Simon, B Ouladdiaf, JM Broto, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (2), 024404, 2009
Bulk antiferromagnetism in Na 0.82 CoO 2 single crystals
SP Bayrakci, C Bernhard, DP Chen, B Keimer, RK Kremer, P Lemmens, ...
Physical Review B 69 (10), 100410, 2004
T. chatterji, M. Weiden
HG Von Schnering, Y Grin, M Kaupp, M Somer, RK Kremer, O Jepsen
Z. Kristallogr 213, 246, 1998
Evidence of a Bond-Nematic Phase in
M Mourigal, M Enderle, B Fåk, RK Kremer, JM Law, A Schneidewind, ...
Physical review letters 109 (2), 027203, 2012
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مقالات 1–20