Rakesh Kumar
Rakesh Kumar
Assistant Professor, Mahindra University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Simple smoothness indicator and multi-level adaptive order WENO scheme for hyperbolic conservation laws
R Kumar, P Chandrashekar
Journal of Computational Physics 375, 1059-1090, 2018
Efficient Seventh Order WENO Schemes of Adaptive Order For Hyperbolic Conservation Laws
R Kumar, P Chandrashekar
Computers & Fluids, 2019
B-spline quasi-interpolation based numerical methods for some Sobolev type equations
R Kumar, S Baskar
journal of computational and applied mathematics 292 (C), 41-66, 2016
L1-type smoothness indicators based WENO scheme for nonlinear degenerate parabolic equations
S Rathan, R Kumar, AD Jagtap
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2020
Modified cubic B-spline quasi-interpolation numerical scheme for hyperbolic conservation laws
R Kumar, A Choudhary, S Baskar
Applicable Analysis 99 (1), 158-179, 2020
Positivity-preserving finite difference WENO scheme for Ten-Moment equations with source term
AK Meena, R Kumar, P Chandrashekar
Journal of Scientific Computing, 2020
Globally divergence-free DG scheme for ideal compressible MHD
DS Balsara, R Kumar, P Chandrashekar
Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science 16 (1), 59-98, 2021
Kinetic theory based multi-level adaptive finite difference WENO schemes for compressible Euler equations
AD Jagtap, R Kumar
Wave Motion 98, 102626, 2020
Multi-level WENO schemes with an adaptive characteristic-wise reconstruction for system of Euler equations
R Kumar, P Chandrashekar
Computers & Fluids 239, 105386, 2022
Adaptive semi-discrete formulation of BSQI–WENO scheme for the modified Burgers’ equation
R Kumar
BIT Numerical Mathematics 58 (1), 103-132, 2018
Constraint preserving discontinuous Galerkin method for ideal compressible MHD on 2-D Cartesian grids
P Chandrashekar, R Kumar
Journal of Scientific Computing, 2020
Finite Difference Modified WENO Schemes for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws with Non-Convex Flux
AK Dond, R Kumar
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2021
A new fifth order finite difference WENO scheme to improve convergence rate at critical points
A Kumar, B Kaur, R Kumar
Wave motion, 2022
Hybrid FDM-WENO method for the convection-diffusion problems
R Kumar
XVII International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems Theory, Numerics …, 2019
Hybrid Cbsqi-Weno Schemes for Convection Diffusion Problems
PK Barik, A Dond, K Rakesh, A Hasan
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2025
Existence and uniqueness of weak solutions to the Smoluchowski coagulation equation with source and sedimentation
PK Barik, AK Dond, R Kumar
arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.09168, 2023
WENO Smoothness Indicator Based Troubled-cell Indicator for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws
KR Arun, A Dond, R Kumar
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2023
Hybrid Finite Difference Weno Schemes for the Ten-Moment Gaussian Closure Equations with Source Term
K Rakesh, KR Arun, AK Meena
Available at SSRN 4390475, 2023
Modified Cubic B-Spline Quasi-Interpolation Numerical Scheme for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws (vol 17, pg 554, 2020)
R Kumar, A Choudhary, S Baskar
APPLICABLE ANALYSIS 99 (1), 180-180, 2020
Hybrid BSQI-WENO Based Numerical Scheme for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws
R Kumar, S Baskar
arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.01126, 2018
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مقالات 1–20