Walter Rossing
Walter Rossing
Farming Systems Ecology group, Wageningen University and Research
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Exploring multifunctional agriculture. A review of conceptual approaches and prospects for an integrative transitional framework
H Renting, WAH Rossing, JCJ Groot, JD Van der Ploeg, C Laurent, ...
Journal of environmental management 90, S112-S123, 2009
Co-innovation of family farm systems: A systems approach to sustainable agriculture
S Dogliotti, MC García, S Peluffo, JP Dieste, AJ Pedemonte, ...
Agricultural Systems 126, 76-86, 2014
Multi-objective optimization and design of farming systems
JCJ Groot, GJM Oomen, WAH Rossing
Agricultural Systems 110, 63-77, 2012
Characterizing diversity of food systems in view of sustainability transitions. A review
D Gaitán-Cremaschi, L Klerkx, J Duncan, JH Trienekens, C Huenchuleo, ...
Agronomy for sustainable development 39, 1-22, 2019
Land use change and ecosystem service provision in Pampas and Campos grasslands of southern South America
P Modernel, WAH Rossing, M Corbeels, S Dogliotti, V Picasso, P Tittonell
Environmental Research Letters 11 (11), 113002, 2016
Exploring multi-scale trade-offs between nature conservation, agricultural profits and landscape quality—a methodology to support discussions on land-use perspectives
JCJ Groot, WAH Rossing, A Jellema, DJ Stobbelaar, H Renting, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 120 (1), 58-69, 2007
ROTAT, a tool for systematically generating crop rotations
S Dogliotti, WAH Rossing, MK Van Ittersum
European Journal of Agronomy 19 (2), 239-250, 2003
Integrative modelling approaches for analysis of impact of multifunctional agriculture: A review for France, Germany and The Netherlands
WAH Rossing, P Zander, E Josien, JCJ Groot, BC Meyer, A Knierim
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 120 (1), 41-57, 2007
Actionable knowledge for ecological intensification of agriculture
W Geertsema, WAH Rossing, DA Landis, FJJA Bianchi, PC Van Rijn, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 14 (4), 209-216, 2016
Monte Carlo estimation of uncertainty contributions from several independent multivariate sources
MJW Jansen, WAH Rossing, RA Daamen
Predictability and nonlinear modelling in natural sciences and economics …, 1994
Ecological intensification: local innovation to address global challenges
P Tittonell, L Klerkx, F Baudron, GF Félix, A Ruggia, D Van Apeldoorn, ...
Sustainable Agriculture Reviews: Volume 19, 1-34, 2016
A method for exploring sustainable development options at farm scale: a case study for vegetable farms in South Uruguay
S Dogliotti, MK Van Ittersum, WAH Rossing
Agricultural systems 86 (1), 29-51, 2005
Farming options for The Netherlands explored by multi-objective modelling
HFM Ten Berge, MK Van Ittersum, WAH Rossing, GWJ Van de Ven, ...
European Journal of Agronomy 13 (2-3), 263-277, 2000
Model-based explorations to support development of sustainable farming systems: case studies from France and the Netherlands
WAH Rossing, JM Meynard, MK Van Ittersum
European Journal of Agronomy 7 (1-3), 271-283, 1997
Systematic design and evaluation of crop rotations enhancing soil conservation, soil fertility and farm income: a case study for vegetable farms in South Uruguay
S Dogliotti, WAH Rossing, MK Van Ittersum
Agricultural Systems 80 (3), 277-302, 2004
Reduced tillage and cover crops improve water capture and reduce erosion of fine textured soils in raised bed tomato systems
F Alliaume, WAH Rossing, P Tittonell, G Jorge, S Dogliotti
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 183, 127-137, 2014
Designing a hedgerow network in a multifunctional agricultural landscape: Balancing trade-offs among ecological quality, landscape character and implementation costs
JCJ Groot, A Jellema, WAH Rossing
European Journal of Agronomy 32 (1), 112-119, 2010
Operationalizing sustainability: exploring options for environmentally friendly flower bulb production systems
WAH Rossing, JE Jansma, FJ De Ruijter, J Schans
European Journal of Plant Pathology 103, 217-234, 1997
The NDICEA model, a tool to improve nitrogen use efficiency in cropping systems
G Van der Burgt, GJM Oomen, ASJ Habets, WAH Rossing
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 74, 275-294, 2006
Model‐aided learning for adaptive management of natural resources: an evolutionary design perspective
JCJ Groot, WAH Rossing
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 2 (6), 643-650, 2011
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مقالات 1–20