Antonia Lyons
Antonia Lyons
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على auckland.ac.nz
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Alcohol consumption, gender identities and women’s changing social positions
AC Lyons, SA Willott
Sex roles 59, 694-712, 2008
Health psychology: A critical introduction
AC Lyons, K Chamberlain
Cambridge University Press, 2006
Maori healers' views on wellbeing: The importance of mind, body, spirit, family and land
GT Mark, AC Lyons
Social science & medicine 70 (11), 1756-1764, 2010
Well-being in rheumatoid arthritis: the effects of disease duration and psychosocial factors
GJ Treharne, GD Kitas, AC Lyons, DA Booth
Journal of health psychology 10 (3), 457-474, 2005
Youth drinking cultures, social networking and alcohol marketing: Implications for public health
T McCreanor, A Lyons, C Griffin, I Goodwin, H Moewaka Barnes, F Hutton
Critical public health 23 (1), 110-120, 2013
Examining media representations: Benefits for health psychology
AC Lyons
Journal of health psychology 5 (3), 349-358, 2000
Psychological well‐being across 1 year with rheumatoid arthritis: Coping resources as buffers of perceived stress
GJ Treharne, AC Lyons, DA Booth, GD Kitas
British journal of health psychology 12 (3), 323-345, 2007
Qualitative research in clinical and health psychology
P Rohleder, A Lyons
Bloomsbury Publishing, 2017
The future of qualitative research in psychology: Accentuating the positive
B Gough, A Lyons
Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science 50, 234-243, 2016
Masculinities, femininities, behaviour and health
AC Lyons
Social and personality psychology compass 3 (4), 394-412, 2009
“Tragic girls” and “crack whores”: Alcohol, femininity and Facebook
F Hutton, C Griffin, A Lyons, P Niland, T McCreanor
Feminism & Psychology 26 (1), 73-93, 2016
Transformation and time-out: The role of alcohol in identity construction among Scottish women in early midlife
C Emslie, K Hunt, A Lyons
International Journal of Drug Policy 26 (5), 437-445, 2015
“Everyone can loosen up and get a bit of a buzz on”: Young adults, alcohol and friendship practices
P Niland, AC Lyons, I Goodwin, F Hutton
International Journal of Drug Policy 24 (6), 530-537, 2013
Older and wiser? Men’s and women’s accounts of drinking in early mid‐life
C Emslie, K Hunt, A Lyons
Sociology of health & illness 34 (4), 481-496, 2012
Medication adherence in rheumatoid arthritis: effects of psychosocial factors
GJ Treharne, AC Lyons, GD Kitas
Psychology, health & medicine 9 (3), 337-349, 2004
The role of alcohol in forging and maintaining friendships amongst Scottish men in midlife.
C Emslie, K Hunt, A Lyons
Health Psychology 32 (1), 33, 2013
Food allergy in young adults: perceptions and psychological effects
AC Lyons, EME Forde
Journal of health psychology 9 (4), 497-504, 2004
‘Hardcore Drinking’ Portrayals of Alcohol Consumption in Young Women’s and Men’s Magazines
AC Lyons, SI Dalton, A Hoy
Journal of health psychology 11 (2), 223-232, 2006
Managing menopause: A qualitative analysis of self-help literature for women at midlife
AC Lyons, C Griffin
Social science & medicine 56 (8), 1629-1642, 2003
Encompassing experience: Meanings and methods in health psychology
K Chamberlian, C Stephens, AC Lyons
Psychology and health 12 (5), 691-709, 1997
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مقالات 1–20