Christian Terboven
Christian Terboven
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
OpenACC—first experiences with real-world applications
S Wienke, P Springer, C Terboven, D an Mey
Euro-Par 2012 Parallel Processing: 18th International Conference, Euro-Par …, 2012
Data and thread affinity in openmp programs
C Terboven, D an Mey, D Schmidl, H Jin, T Reichstein
Proceedings of the 2008 workshop on Memory access on future processors: a …, 2008
Using OpenMP-The Next Step: Affinity, Accelerators, Tasking, and SIMD
R Van der Pas, E Stotzer, C Terboven
MIT press, 2017
The ongoing evolution of openmp
BR de Supinski, TRW Scogland, A Duran, M Klemm, SM Bellido, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE 106 (11), 2004-2019, 2018
Assessing the performance of openmp programs on the intel xeon phi
D Schmidl, T Cramer, S Wienke, C Terboven, MS Müller
European Conference on Parallel Processing, 547-558, 2013
CHAMELEON: reactive load balancing for hybrid MPI+ OpenMP task-parallel applications
J Klinkenberg, P Samfass, M Bader, C Terboven, MS Müller
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 138, 55-64, 2020
Data mining-based analysis of HPC center operations
J Klinkenberg, C Terboven, S Lankes, MS Müller
2017 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 766-773, 2017
A pattern-based comparison of OpenACC and OpenMP for accelerator computing
S Wienke, C Terboven, JC Beyer, MS Müller
Euro-Par 2014 Parallel Processing: 20th International Conference, Porto …, 2014
Automatic scoping of variables in parallel regions of an OpenMP program
Y Lin, C Terboven, D Mey, N Copty
International Workshop on OpenMP Applications and Tools, 83-97, 2004
First experiences with intel cluster openmp
C Terboven, DA Mey, D Schmidl, M Wagner
OpenMP in a New Era of Parallelism: 4th International Workshop, IWOMP 2008 …, 2008
Parallel sensitivity analysis for efficient large-scale dynamic optimization
A Hartwich, K Stockmann, C Terboven, S Feuerriegel, W Marquardt
Optimization and Engineering 12, 489-508, 2011
Assessing OpenMP tasking implementations on NUMA architectures
C Terboven, D Schmidl, T Cramer, D an Mey
OpenMP in a Heterogeneous World: 8th International Workshop on OpenMP, IWOMP …, 2012
OpenMP on multicore architectures
C Terboven, D an Mey, S Sarholz
A Practical Programming Model for the Multi-Core Era: 3rd International …, 2008
The design of openmp thread affinity
AE Eichenberger, C Terboven, M Wong, D an Mey
OpenMP in a Heterogeneous World: 8th International Workshop on OpenMP, IWOMP …, 2012
Comparing Intel Thread Checker and Sun Thread Analyzer.
C Terboven
PARCO 7, 669-676, 2007
How to scale nested OpenMP applications on the ScaleMP vSMP architecture
D Schmidl, C Terboven, A Wolf, D an Mey, C Bischof
2010 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, 29-37, 2010
Classification of common errors in OpenMP applications
JF Münchhalfen, T Hilbrich, J Protze, C Terboven, MS Müller
Using and Improving OpenMP for Devices, Tasks, and More: 10th International …, 2014
Shared-memory parallelization for content-based image retrieval
C Terboven, T Deselaers, C Bischof, H Ney
ECCV 2006 Workshop on Computation Intensive Methods for Computer Vision …, 2006
A proposal for task-generating loops in OpenMP
X Teruel, M Klemm, K Li, X Martorell, SL Olivier, C Terboven
OpenMP in the Era of Low Power Devices and Accelerators: 9th International …, 2013
Binding nested OpenMP programs on hierarchical memory architectures
D Schmidl, C Terboven, D an Mey, M Bücker
International Workshop on OpenMP, 29-42, 2010
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مقالات 1–20