Evan T. Sorg
Evan T. Sorg
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على rowan.edu
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Does what police do at hot spots matter? The Philadelphia policing tactics experiment
ER Groff, JH Ratcliffe, CP Haberman, ET Sorg, NM Joyce, RB Taylor
Criminology 53 (1), 23-53, 2015
Citizens’ reactions to hot spots policing: impacts on perceptions of crime, disorder, safety and police
JH Ratcliffe, ER Groff, ET Sorg, CP Haberman
Journal of experimental criminology 11 (3), 393-417, 2015
Foot patrol in violent crime hot spots: The longitudinal impact of deterrence and posttreatment effects of displacement
ET Sorg, CP Haberman, JH Ratcliffe, ER Groff
Criminology 51 (1), 65-101, 2013
Satisfaction with police in violent crime hot spots: Using community surveys as a guide for selecting hot spots policing tactics
CP Haberman, ER Groff, JH Ratcliffe, ET Sorg
Crime & Delinquency 62 (4), 525-557, 2016
Cops as treatment providers: Realities and ironies of police work in a foot patrol experiment
J Wood, ET Sorg, ER Groff, JH Ratcliffe, CJ Taylor
Policing and society 24 (3), 362-379, 2014
Assessing the validity of the law of crime concentration across different temporal scales
CP Haberman, ET Sorg, JH Ratcliffe
Journal of Quantitative Criminology 33, 547-567, 2017
Community-level impacts of temperature on urban street robbery
ET Sorg, RB Taylor
Journal of Criminal Justice 39 (6), 463-470, 2011
Boundary adherence during place-based policing evaluations: A research note
ET Sorg, JD Wood, ER Groff, JH Ratcliffe
Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 51 (3), 377-393, 2014
The Seasons They Are a Changin’ Testing for Seasonal Effects of Potentially Criminogenic Places on Street Robbery
CP Haberman, ET Sorg, JH Ratcliffe
Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 55 (3), 425-459, 2018
Operation Thumbs Down: A quasi-experimental evaluation of an FBI gang takedown in South Central Los Angeles
JH Ratcliffe, A Perenzin, ET Sorg
Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management 40 (2 …, 2017
Foot patrol: Rethinking the cornerstone of policing
JH Ratcliffe, ET Sorg
Springer, 2017
Explaining dosage diffusion during hot spot patrols: An application of optimal foraging theory to police officer behavior
ET Sorg, JD Wood, ER Groff, JH Ratcliffe
Justice Quarterly 34 (6), 1044-1068, 2017
Intelligence-led policing in Honduras: applying Sleipnir and social psychology to understand gang proliferation
JH Ratcliffe, ET Sorg, JW Rose
Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology 30, 112-123, 2015
The multilevel impacts of proximate crime generators and attractors on individual-level perceptions of crime risk
KA Houser, ES McCord, ET Sorg
Crime & Delinquency 65 (13), 1798-1822, 2019
An ex post facto evaluation of the Philadelphia GunStat model
ET Sorg
Theses and Dissertations, 2015
Smart policing initiative final report
J Ratcliffe, E Groff, C Haberman, E Sorg
Philadelphie, PA: Temple University Center for Security and Crime Science, 2012
Classifying import and domestic hot spots of crime by offender home proximity
ET Sorg
Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice 10 (3), 264-277, 2016
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Smart Policing Initiative: Testing the impacts of differential police strategies on violent crime hotspots
JH Ratcliffe, ER Grof, CP Haberman, ET Sorg, N Joyce
Washington: Bureau of Justice Assistance, 2013
Citizens’ reactions to hot spots policing: Experimental impacts on perceptions of crime, disorder, fear and police
JH Ratcliffe, ER Groff, ET Sorg, CP Haberman
Unpublished manuscript, 2012
The geographic concentration of use of force incidents at subway stations mimics the law of crime concentration bandwidths: a research note
ET Sorg, KA Houser, C Lewandowski, N Schell-Busey
The Police Journal 94 (3), 316-332, 2021
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مقالات 1–20