Magdalena Bobowik
Magdalena Bobowik
University of the Basque Country, IKERBASQUE Basque Foundation of Science
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Personal values and well-being among Europeans, Spanish natives and immigrants to Spain: does the culture matter?
M Bobowik, N Basabe, D Páez, A Jiménez, MÁ Bilbao
Journal of Happiness Studies 12, 401-419, 2011
Felicidad y bienestar psicológico: estudio comparativo entre Argentina y España
M Muratori, E Zubieta, S Ubillos, JL González, M Bobowik
Psykhe (Santiago) 24 (2), 1-18, 2015
‘Healthy’identities? Revisiting rejection‐identification and rejection‐disidentification models among voluntary and forced immigrants
M Bobowik, B Martinovic, N Basabe, LS Barsties, G Wachter
European Journal of Social Psychology 47 (7), 818-831, 2017
The bright side of migration: Hedonic, psychological, and social well-being in immigrants in Spain
M Bobowik, N Basabe, D Páez
Social science research 51, 189-204, 2015
Shared flow and positive collective gatherings
L Zumeta, N Basabe, A Wlodarczyk, M Bobowik, D Páez
anales de psicología 32 (3), 717-727, 2016
Socially desirable responding: Enhancement and denial in 20 countries
J He, FJR van De Vijver, A Dominguez Espinosa, A Abubakar, ...
Cross-Cultural Research 49 (3), 227-249, 2015
Health-related quality of life, ethnicity and perceived discrimination among immigrants and natives in Spain
V Sevillano, N Basabe, M Bobowik, X Aierdi
Ethnicity & Health 19 (2), 178-197, 2014
Victorious justifications and criticism of defeated: Involvement of nations in world wars, social development, cultural values, social representations of war, and willingness …
M Bobowik, D Páez, JH Liu, L Licata, O Klein, N Basabe
International journal of intercultural relations 43, 60-73, 2014
Affect regulation strategies and perceived emotional adjustment for negative and positive affect: a study on anger, sadness and joy
D Páez, F Martínez-Sánchez, A Mendiburo, M Bobowik, V Sevillano
The Journal of Positive Psychology 8 (3), 249-262, 2013
Support for collective action against refugees: The role of national, European, and global identifications, and autochthony beliefs
P Hasbún López, B Martinović, M Bobowik, X Chryssochoou, A Cichocka, ...
European journal of social psychology 49 (7), 1439-1455, 2019
Emotional climate: how is it shaped, fostered, and changed?
D Páez, A Espinosa, M Bobowik
Changing emotions, 113-119, 2013
Factor structure of mental well-being: Contributions of exploratory structural equation modeling
M Joshanloo, M Bobowik, N Basabe
Personality and Individual Differences 102, 107-110, 2016
Tears evoke the intention to offer social support: A systematic investigation of the interpersonal effects of emotional crying across 41 countries
JH Zickfeld, N Van De Ven, O Pich, TW Schubert, JB Berkessel, JJ Pizarro, ...
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 95, 104137, 2021
Human values and ideological beliefs as predictors of attitudes toward immigrants across 20 countries: The country‐level moderating role of threat
RCR Araújo, M Bobowik, R Vilar, JH Liu, H Gil de Zuñiga, L Kus‐Harbord, ...
European Journal of Social Psychology 50 (3), 534-546, 2020
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! The impact of Christmas rituals on subjective well-being and family's emotional climate
D Páez, MÁ Bilbao, M Bobowik, M Campos, N Basabe
International Journal of Social Psychology 26 (3), 373-386, 2011
Social representations of history, wars and politics in Latin America, Europe and Africa
E Techio, M Bobowik, D Páez, R Cabecinhas, J Liu, E Zubieta, ...
Revista de Psicología Social 25 (1), 11-26, 2010
Beliefs about history, the meaning of historical events and culture of war
M Bobowik, D Páez, JH Liu, A Espinosa, E Techio, E Zubieta, ...
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP), 2010
Adaptación sociocultural de inmigrantes brasileños en el País Vasco: Bienestar y aculturación
S De Luca, M Bobowik, N Basabe
Revista de Psicología Social 26 (2), 275-294, 2011
Mémoire collective et représentations sociales de l’Histoire
D Páez, M Bobowik, L De Guissmé, JH Liu, L Licata
Les représentations sociales: Théories, méthodes et applications, 539-552, 2016
What is the better predictor of students’ personal values: Parents’ values or students’ personality?
M Bobowik, JP van Oudenhoven, N Basabe, S Telletxea, D Páez
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 35 (4), 488-498, 2011
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مقالات 1–20