Tally Katz-Gerro
Tally Katz-Gerro
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Predicting proenvironmental behavior cross-nationally: Values, the theory of planned behavior, and value-belief-norm theory
S Oreg, T Katz-Gerro
Environment and behavior 38 (4), 462-483, 2006
Applying practice theory to the study of consumption: Theoretical and methodological considerations
B Halkier, T Katz-Gerro, L Martens
Journal of consumer culture 11 (1), 3-13, 2011
Highbrow cultural consumption and class distinction in Italy, Israel, West Germany, Sweden, and the United States
T Katz-Gerro
Social forces 81 (1), 207-229, 2002
The omnivore thesis revisited: Voracious cultural consumers
O Sullivan, T Katz-Gerro
European sociological review 23 (2), 123-137, 2007
Culture consumption in Sweden: The stability of gender differences
E Bihagen, T Katz-Gerro
Poetics 27 (5-6), 327-349, 2000
Cultural consumption and social stratification: leisure activities, musical tastes, and social location
T Katz-Gerro
Sociological perspectives 42 (4), 627-646, 1999
Cultural participation in Europe: Can we identify common determinants?
M Falk, T Katz-Gerro
Journal of Cultural Economics 40, 127-162, 2016
Disentangling ‘cultural capital’: The consequences of cultural and economic resources for taste and participation
M Yaish, T Katz-Gerro
European Sociological Review 28 (2), 169-185, 2012
From exclusive to inclusive elitists and further: Twenty years of omnivorousness and cultural diversity in arts participation in the USA
J López-Sintas, T Katz-Gerro
Poetics 33 (5-6), 299-319, 2005
Cultural consumption research: review of methodology, theory, and consequence
T Katz-Gerro
International review of Sociology 14 (1), 11-29, 2004
Mapping circular economy activities in the European Union: Patterns of implementation and their correlates in small and medium‐sized enterprises
T Katz‐Gerro, J López Sintas
Business Strategy and the Environment 28 (4), 485-496, 2019
The stratification of leisure and taste: classes and lifestyles in Israel
T Katz-Gerro, Y Shavit
European Sociological Review 14 (4), 369-386, 1998
Deconstructing cultural omnivorousness 1982–2002: heterology in Americans' musical preferences
E Garía-Álvarez, T Katz-Gerro, J López-Sintas
Social Forces 86 (2), 417-443, 2007
Compared to whom? Inequality, social comparison, and happiness in the United States
AS Alderson, T Katz-Gerro
Social Forces 95 (1), 25-54, 2016
Voracious cultural consumption: The intertwining of gender and social status
T Katz-Gerro, O Sullivan
Time & Society 19 (2), 193-219, 2010
Urban public transport companies and strategies to promote sustainable consumption practices
IS Cruz, T Katz-Gerro
Journal of Cleaner Production 123, 28-33, 2016
How do class, status, ethnicity, and religiosity shape cultural omnivorousness in Israel?
T Katz-Gerro, S Raz, M Yaish
Journal of Cultural Economics 33, 1-17, 2009
The relationship between value types and environmental behaviour in four countries: Universalism, benevolence, conformity and biospheric values revisited
T Katz-Gerro, I Greenspan, F Handy, HY Lee
Environmental Values 26 (2), 223-249, 2017
Class, status, and the intergenerational transmission of musical tastes in Israel
T Katz-Gerro, S Raz, M Yaish
Poetics 35 (2-3), 152-167, 2007
Who benefits from public funding of the performing arts? Comparing the art provision and the hegemony–distinction approaches
T Feder, T Katz-Gerro
Poetics 40 (4), 359-381, 2012
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20